Dark Horde - Forest Troll Bundle

Forest Trolls
"Vengeance for Zul'jin"

I love the old Horde...(besides the Fel Horde as some have probably figured out by now)
It was planned for a very long time in the development of Warcraft III that the trolls that serve as ranged fighters for the new horde should be forest trolls, as you could/can read in the description of the old BattleNet:

"The disenfranchised trolls of northern Lordaeron have once again pledged their savage services to the Orcish Horde. These cunning warriors are trained from birth to hunt, track and trap the most dangerous beasts in the wild. In times of war, however, troll headhunters turn their mighty spears upon the enemies of the Horde without hesitation. Capable of hurling their deadly spears at distant enemies, Troll Headhunters provide invaluable cover fire for the other warriors of the Horde."

And since I have a certain "dislike" to just take the Creeps models and use them as new ranged units like for the Blackrock clan (yeah... I'm a bit weird)... I started to think.
That's why I decided to create my own forest troll units for the Blackrock clan or in the larger for the Dark Horde.
To distinguish them from their "creep" relatives, I gave them javelins, as was originaly intended.
And since they should also have magical support, I designed a forest troll mage right away.
I call him the Hexpriest since the Shadowpriests look different. ^^

Update 10/03: Stapled together a hero unit for the Forest Trolls.
I call him the Forest Troll-Warmaster and it's visually based on War Master Voone. Hope you like it.

Forest Troll - Berserker 2.0 (Model)

Forest Troll - Berserker 2.0 (Icon) (Icon)

Forest Troll - Berserker 2.0 (Portrait) (Model)

Forest Troll - Hexpriest (Model)

Forest Troll - Hexpriest (Icon) (Icon)

Forest Troll - Hexpriest (Portrait) (Model)

Forest Troll - Spearthrower (Model)

Forest Troll - Spearthrower (Portrait) (Model)

Forest Troll - Warmaster (Model)

Forest Troll - Warmaster_Icons (Icon)

Forest Troll - Warmaster_Portrait (Model)

The execution is good and the models work properly without any problem so far APPROVED. Also, what spells are supposed to be affiliated with Warmaster's Spell Slam? It looked awkward when I put War Stomp on him.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2020
Love that they got their uniqueness and aren't just recolors.

"Da Amani never give up! We never forget. We never die."
Level 34
Jul 26, 2015
Could you also make a forest troll version of the Batrider? Just to complete the collection.
I don't think the Amani ride bats... at least I'm not aware of any instances.
Jungle Trolls, Zandalari, and Ice Trolls have bat mounts... I'll have a look. I'll definitely add a flying unit... maybe a Bat Rider too.
If almost all trolls ride bats, it would be weird if the Forest Trolls didn't do the same. 🤔

With these now i can make my own amani faction, and replace all Orc model, grea thanks Sir
You're welcome my dear.

I've been wanting to add a "hero" for a while, but I'm having trouble uploading it right now.
For some reason the site won't let me upload new models. When the bug is found and fixed, hopefully soon, there will be an update for this bundle.
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
I don't think the Amani ride bats... at least I'm not aware of any instances.
Jungle Trolls, Zandalari, and Ice Trolls have bat mounts... I'll have a look. I'll definitely add a flying unit... maybe a Bat Rider too.
If almost all trolls ride bats, it would be weird if the Forest Trolls didn't do the same. 🤔

You're welcome my dear.

I've been wanting to add a "hero" for a while, but I'm having trouble uploading it right now.
For some reason the site won't let me upload new models. When the bug is found and fixed, hopefully soon, there will be an update for this bundle.
I think only jungle (gurubashi), island (darkspear) and zandalari (blood) trolls ride giant bats
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Level 6
Jul 17, 2019
It seems like i cant load the new warmaster model in World editor, or is it only work for latest update?
Level 34
Jul 26, 2015
It seems like i cant load the new warmaster model in World editor, or is it only work for latest update?
I just downloaded it myself to see if there was anything wrong with the downloaded file, but everything looked normal to me and I was able to upload it to the world editor. So my game is on the latest version... maybe it has something to do with it... but I can't tell you exactly.
Level 12
Feb 23, 2020
I don't think the Amani ride bats... at least I'm not aware of any instances.
Jungle Trolls, Zandalari, and Ice Trolls have bat mounts... I'll have a look. I'll definitely add a flying unit... maybe a Bat Rider too.
If almost all trolls ride bats, it would be weird if the Forest Trolls didn't do the same. 🤔

Yeah, I never looked into the lore perspective either. But the area of Lordaeron is full on giant tameable bats. If WC2 had flying units for troll, they would have 100% been Batriders. Just because we never saw the Amani fly doesn't mean they don't use bats.

And Batriders are badass. :D
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
Yeah, I never looked into the lore perspective either. But the area of Lordaeron is full on giant tameable bats. If WC2 had flying units for troll, they would have 100% been Batriders. Just because we never saw the Amani fly doesn't mean they don't use bats.

And Batriders are badass. :D
Amani do have flyig creatures, giant eagles and wild dragonhawks; also Gurubashi trolls, despite being jungle trolls also have wind serpents besides giant bats; zandalari have pteradons, farrakis probably have carrion birds and such; trolls have a wide variety of flying creatures to choose, depending on the setting; only the island trolls have bats as the only option :(