A map inspired by Werewolf. Read quests for changelog and further information.
By weevilman.
Many changes have been made upon Dark Deeds 6, in interest of balances and bugfixes. Some changes are:
-Shield have been changed to an item that creates illusionary double.
-Removed the requrements for level 10 hero abilities.
-Fountain of Health have been changed to Fountain of Mana.
-Witchdoctor can no longer control 'Monster Frog' (thought he can still control big bear, lobster and mammoth).
-The Grim Reaper's Wraith spawn bug have been fixed!
-Changed model of Exorcist and Dhampire, vampire bats reverted to old gargoyles models.
-Increased collision size of the Reaper so he can no longer fit 1 gap.
-Made some balance changes about High Cultist and his Shadowsneak ability.
-Blood Mage level 6 skill is now Phoenix (a ground unit that cannot attack farmers).
-And few more unmentioned here...
I am not here to tell you what to do, but (currently) Dark Deeds Final is the latest, and offers the richest and most fair gameplay.
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