I was working on few Quel'thalas maps some time ago and i made few textures for these buildings. This is the very best of what i can made for them. Right now i am working as terrainer and designer of Ghostlands map by Forsaken and i am going to use this in that map.
There is little problem because some textures are based on textures that have been based on WoW rips textures. I hope it will not be big problem because i heard good criticism for these skins and i think that they are usefull.
EDIT: I changed those gold parts and lowered the skin size.
EDIT2: When you change path to: "buildings\Other\ArcaneObservatory\DalaranBuildings.blp"
It will affect Ujimasa hogo's Kirin tor buildings skin used here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/new-dalaran-244512/
for example.
Elven, Elves, Elf, Dalaran, Sin'dorei, Tower, Building, House