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Cyclone as mount spell?

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Level 7
May 28, 2009
Maybe this wont work but you could do the following:

Set movement type of whatever unit thats supposed to be mounting to hover.

Make a horse with the locust ability.

Trigger part:

Unit uses some spell
free of choice
Mby some cool special effect that blizz uses in wow so it wont look that bad while mounting.

Create a horse at the same point as triggering unit facing the same angle
set movement speed of recently created horse to same as triggering unit

set movement height of the unit thats mounting to a good looking height

mounted unit is ordered to move to some point
order horse to move to same point that the ordered unit is ordered to move to.

Just made this up in my head (explaining why I didnt mention what triggers to use exactly) but it might work. :eek:

EDIT: and ye you need a bundle of variables for this. Maybe a hashtable would be good if you want this MUI. And yes, there is no dismount trigger here but its just the first one in reverse. ^^
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