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Custom Terrain

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Level 4
May 6, 2008
I've seen some maps like "Escape Shroom World" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R6jixqkYU8] that have terrains that aren't found in the World Editor and would like to know how to made/modify the terrain.

Other expample is the some missions in Outland in the Blood Elf Campaign of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne where the terrain below the cliffs in black. Does someone know how to do this?

Thanks in advance.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
I've seen some maps like "Escape Shroom World" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R6jixqkYU8] that have terrains that aren't found in the World Editor and would like to know how to made/modify the terrain.
Custom tilesets: first you need to get yourself a texture. This is done by either making one (not so hard) of dimensions 256*256 or 512*256 or you can also download some terrain textures in the "skins" section here. To import them, change their path to something like TerrainArt\Ashenvale\Ashendirt.blp where \Ashenvale\ is the tileset and \Ashendirt.blp is the tile itself, in this case ashenvale dirt.

ther expample is the some missions in Outland in the Blood Elf Campaign of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne where the terrain below the cliffs in black. Does someone know how to do this?
That's a default tile in wc3:the frozen throne. It's called "Abyss" and found in - as you can guess - outland tileset.
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