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Custom model errors need help

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Level 7
Jan 1, 2005
Ive been trying to add birth and death animations to the Refinery model for my starcraft maps. I have basically been copying all the sequence, geosets, geoset animations, bones and particle emitters from a fully animated Starcraft model to the refinery model. My problem is now when i try to build the model ingame wc3 keeps crashing:( Can anyone help me please??


  • Terran Refinery.rar
    123.9 KB · Views: 40
okey, until now. Here are my observations:

1º Stand animation and Birth Animation are interlapping, this shouldn't happen(it may be the cause of the crash)

2º The vespene gas particles are always visible, I think you should fix that.

3º Check out this:

Bone "Explode01" {
	ObjectId 3,
	Scaling 3 {
		5333: { 1, 1, 1 },
		5533: { 7.8125, 5.46875, 5.78125 },
		7333: { 1.75, 1.23438, 1.29688 },

an interlapping in the keys, may generate the error.

4º You have Bone assignment contradictions in Bone"Explode" and Bone"Build", both bones point to the same geoset but to different geosetAnims. Ithink the mistake is in bone Build's geosetid, it should be 1.
Level 7
Jan 1, 2005
Cheers for the observation blink, i really dont have a clue what im doing im just copy and pasting from abnother model hoping ti will all work as they all use the same birth and death animations.

What should i do to correct this error?? Any help would be appreicated and i will add your help to the mods credit list as well.
It's hard to explain, the first that you must do is to ensure that the model is synchronize, fix my observation 4 and 3. Afterwards you should try to move the keys and open some space for the birth animation to steak in correctly. And the last thing is to fix the common issus of the model like the particles.

In cases like this I would normally import the model back to max and do the editings there, but since you are unable, you should just make the edits in the .mdl.
Level 7
Jan 1, 2005
It's hard to explain, the first that you must do is to ensure that the model is synchronize, fix my observation 4 and 3. Afterwards you should try to move the keys and open some space for the birth animation to steak in correctly. And the last thing is to fix the common issus of the model like the particles.

In cases like this I would normally import the model back to max and do the editings there, but since you are unable, you should just make the edits in the .mdl.

Yes ive been using War3ModelEditor, like i said ive just been copy and pasting from one model to the other. How would i synchronize the model?? Do u know the coding i need to add to the explode bone that needs fixing?? I appreciate you helping me too blinkboy.
you'll have to open the .mdl with notepad.

The first is to reset the geoset id of bone build to 1, just change the value, and make sure to keep everything right.

next would be to delete one of those 2 keys, go to bone "explode01". I would delete the first one since it's not seen in the current animation, and it does not look bad.
Bone "Explode01" {
	ObjectId 3,
	Scaling 2 {
		5533: { 7.8125, 5.46875, 5.78125 },
		7333: { 1.75, 1.23438, 1.29688 },

the third thing is to move the intervals, just set birth in such way that it wouldn't intercept stand, or stand in way that it wouldn't intercept birth, your choice. afterwards, adapt the keys of every bone and geoset anim.
Level 7
Jan 1, 2005
ok i deleted the first line of coding u suggested i remove '5533: { 7.8125, 5.46875, 5.78125 },'

so now the coding looks like this;

Bone "Explode01" {
ObjectId 3,
Scaling 2 {
7333: { 1.75, 1.23438, 1.29688 },

and i changed the interval values of the stand animation to not intercept with the birth animation.

But i cant change the geoset ID from build, explode or explode01 to different geosets. Everytime i change the geoset ID it reverts back to the one before that. I dunno what wat to do besides removing all the geoset and geo anim. and seting everythuing again.
Level 7
Jan 1, 2005
you have to do everything on notepad, just open notepad and open the .mdl of ur model withj it, edit the geosetid,save and turn it back to .mdx.

btw u only had to remove 1 line not 2. the example that I showed you before was the result, not the problem.

I opened the mdl in notepad and it looks like there isnt any geosets present in the model. This is way above my level of understanding and i cant just create the proper coding myself. Unless you would create the coding for me blinkboy i may just have to leave this problem alone and leave the unanimated model i was using previously.

I appreicate you help me out. I totally fucked the model up now it would open in model editor and it doesnt recongised the geoset coding. Ive also tried to remove the bones and geosets to just use the model as it prevoiusly was but it still crashes wc3. I never knew this could get some complicated.
Level 7
Jan 1, 2005
lol, we posted at the same time.

[`sorry for double post, I just noticed]

Cheers thank you blinkboy, you have done a great job. I really appreicate you animating the model properly for me. I have a few other models which need simiular animation addition if u wouldnt mind helping me again. If u do ill try and add all the animations i need into the model and then post up on hive for you.

Cheers Again

Also thank you mechanical man for also trying to animate the model for me. I know now animations are really complex. It was a very good effort tho mate.
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