CSW - Ironforge Knight Soundset

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
- Ideal lore unit name: Mountain Cavalier (Knight)
- ideal soundkit to replace: (Knight soundkit)

link to Unit model:



Voiced by: MoxySpunt
Unit Quotes by: @ShadiHD

IF Knight attack1 (Sound)

IF Knight attack2 (Sound)

IF Knight attack3 (Sound)

IF Knight death (Sound)

IF Knight pissed1 (Sound)

IF Knight pissed2 (Sound)

IF Knight pissed3 (Sound)

IF Knight pissed4 (Sound)

IF Knight pissed5 (Sound)

IF Knight pissed6 (Sound)

IF Knight ready (Sound)

IF Knight warcry (Sound)

IF Knight what1 (Sound)

IF Knight what2 (Sound)

IF Knight what3 (Sound)

IF Knight what4 (Sound)

IF Knight yes1 (Sound)

IF Knight yes2 (Sound)

IF Knight yes3 (Sound)

IF Knight yes4 (Sound)
