
This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Noting the lack of Undeadness the crypt fiend have, I decided to make it more "dead looking". Critique and feesback is appreciated.

Please do not distribute or edit without my permission. And please give credit to sacridshadow if you use this.

crypt, fiend, nerub, nerubian, spider, undead, dead, bandages, monster

Cryptbeast.blp (Texture)

15:37, 27th Jun 2008 Werewulf: Look, all i see is cnp and poor shading, the skin doesnt look that different from the orignal besides the odd extra bandage and red stuff. The skin section is for complete skins, do not use them as a critique thread.




15:37, 27th Jun 2008
Werewulf: Look, all i see is cnp and poor shading, the skin doesnt look that different from the orignal besides the odd extra bandage and red stuff. The skin section is for complete skins, do not use them as a critique thread.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Please tell me how I can improve on this. I also found out that the readme is automatic. And yes, I looked at the model again and saw some CnP parts from sections I had finished. I will fix that if neccessary.

And PLEASE give feedback, I need to know what needs improvement so you guys will like it.

Edit: Sorry for the gray background. I have changed he fur on the abdomen and the tusks and feet have been given a "cracked" look. Persoally, it looks like dry dirt, but, that's just what I see. Please give me ideas of what and how to improve. Thx!
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