Reasons: Other: If you have any complaints or questions directed towards a moderator, make a thread here: Map Resource Moderation If you think the moderator's judging is unfair or you have overall complaints, make a thread here: Admin Contact Please read the rules thoroughly: Rules Comment: Review: Gameplay: First off, the spell special effects look awesome, Aton is just badass (although I'm not too fond of the model you've used for him, really low poly and weirdly shaped). However combat is just really slow, 'Storm Bringer' for example has a way too long cooldown and even the first waves have too much HP, you should rather add more waves with less hp to make the map more fast paced and also reduce spell cooldowns. The spell tooltips are informative and well written, but a custom UI texture would've been really nice and I think there are some nature themed UIs on wc3c. You've added nice ambiance sound effects and also sound effects in the intro, but maybe you should play a sound when a new wave is incoming, preferably the unit's voice set. A custom soundtrack has also been imported, making things a bit more fresh. There are also neat custom items with really cool model attachments, but it's lacking more items. (Also think about adding a lot of different potion types, ms, as, ...) Terrain: The arena is really neat, very polished, a lot of detail in every corner and very symmetric actually. It really does look like an ancient arena and very realistic. Other: No custom loading screen image, :/ It's SP, so there's no reason not to use one. The in-game messages are colorized and well written, but try to use different colors for each message type (timer, tips, ...) Also add a quest with the credits. The preview image's quality is also really low. Overall: A neat and kind of polished map by APProject once again, but the combat is really slow, it's nothing original or fresh and there are some things that could be improved. |