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[Trigger] Creep Respawn not working.

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Level 2
Jul 22, 2015
I have a map that works in phases.

Phase One: Preparation.
During this phase the player kills Creeps in their Creep Town to earn gold, buy units, upgrade their hero, buy items, buy defense towers.

Phase Two: Action
Gates open allowing players to sent their units to attack enemy bases and send their hero to kill a big boss that awards lumber (used to buy ultimate unit to remove an enemy player from the game.)

The death of the big boss (Soul Eater) resets the Preparation Phase, and begins the countdown to the Action Phase. It's supposed to revive the creeps (The Lost) in this case, which are heroes. I also have it so each creep / boss that's revived levels up a level by creating a Tome of Power and giving it to them.
Like So.

This is the trigger to revive the Creeps (I only am showing one of the creeps here.)

Even though they are the same triggers, when the boss dies the creeps don't respawn (even the ones killed by the player) and all of the Tomes of Power that are supposed to level them are instead created under the big boss.

NOTE: Each time the Action Phase begins all creeps in the Creep Towns are killed. Yet even those not killed by a trigger, instead killed by the player directly, don't respawn.


  • Boss Revive.png
    Boss Revive.png
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  • The Lost Revive.png
    The Lost Revive.png
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Level 27
Sep 26, 2009
This is quite strange as it should revive your heroes. Can you post the map? I would take a look and try to find the reason why it doesn't work. Else I have no idea what could be wrong with what you posted.

I also have it so each creep / boss that's revived levels up a level by creating a Tome of Power and giving it to them.
You can increase level manually via trigger.
  • Hero - Set *Your unit* Hero-level to ((Level of *Your unit*) + 1), Hide level-up graphics
When you click to set the level of your unit, a list of options appears. What you need to select from the list is the option called "Arithmetic" - this allows you to do mathematical operation (here needed for summation) - click the left part (the red 'value') and from the list select the option called "Unit - level of unit" and in this option choose Your unit. Then click 'Ok' on everything.

This has the advantage that you have control on how much you level up your hero and it doesn't leave the item behind (used book items leave a tiny version of the book on ground if you look closely).

You may also want to prevent Soul Eater and The Lost to gain experience from killing enemies (players) as I understand you want them to be challenging and on par to players. For that you can use one of the following:
  • Hero - Disable experience gain for *Your unit*
  • Hero - Make Player 1 (Red) Heroes gain 0.00% experience from future kills
The first option disables experience gain for specific unit, the second option disables experience gain for all heroes of specified player.

I also see that you move waygates away. If those waygates are the standard WCIII waygates (teleport you to some region), then you don't have to move them away from map, you can simply disable them via this action:
  • Neutral Building - Disable *Your waygate*
A disabled waygate will not teleport units until you enable the waygate, which is done through this very same action (you just change the first option here from 'Disable' to 'Enable').

As I wrote in your other thread, you should try to avoid waits (they're terrible for multiplayer maps for various reason).

Last thing, you should learn to prevent and remove memory leaks. Pretty much everything in the game takes up some of your PC's memory. A memory leak is something that has no more use for you (an expired effect, or a point which is no longer used) but still takes your PCs memory. Preventing memory leaks means destroying those things (they have no more use for you so no worries here) so they free the memory they take and you can use that free memory for something else.
Check this thread: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/triggers-scripts-269/things-leak-35124/ - it's a list of actions that cause memory leak and how to prevent those memory leaks (it may seem intimidating, but it's basically just copying and pasting a few commands in your triggers).
Level 2
Jul 22, 2015
Thanks for the info:

Waits - I only use them because when I used countdowns and such like you told me, the game crashed everytime the boss died as the countdown didn't separate the commands dealing with the dead unit from the dying unit and it caused a problem with the game and crashed the whole thing. I wanted to create a window everytime the boss died with a countdown timer but everytime I put something like that in, it kills the game whenever the boss dies. I figure the Waits aren't that bad as the boss area is shared between all players, so there's only ever 1 wait going on at a time that effects all players equally.

I don't know how to post the map or I would... it's very rough and I would love any help polishing it up. I really only care about the concept being realized. This map is mostly just a learning experience though as I plan to make a much larger map next that's a 6 player version with a LOT more hero choices.

I move the waygates for a reason, it's not only to stop the player from teleporting to the Creep Town during the boss and attack phase but also because the waygate to the boss area is behind the waygate to Creep Town and I want players to be able to easily tell them apart. I just find it more aesthetically pleasing this way.

I disabled all XP in the game, the only way heroes level up is by killing the last boss in their Creep Town, they only have X amount of minutes to complete this task so if you fail to clear your creeps you suffer against the Mini-Bosses (Soulless Ones) and Soul Eater as the mini-bosses are one level higher than the current creep population and the big boss is two levels higher. They also have modified stats... it is beatable but it has some difficulty to it.
Level 27
Sep 26, 2009
You can attach anything to your post by doing the following steps:
1) in this thread, scroll down to the box where you write text for new reply. There is a button 'Go advanced' - click it.

2) Once the page loads scroll down under box where you write text. Under the box there are 'Submit reply' and 'preview post' buttons. Underneath those buttons there are checkboxes and underneath those checkboxes there is a button 'Manage attachments' - click this button.

3) In the newly opened window the first few buttons allow you to choose file you want to upload. On the right side of the window (to the right from those buttons) there is an 'Upload' button (if you don't see it, maximize the window).

4) Clicking 'Upload' button will upload your map and attach it to your post.

5) Later, you can also edit your post to remove the map - simply click the 'Manage attachments' button again and remove the uploaded map if you don't want to leave it here for too long.

Once you upload your map, I could also help you with your issue with periodic events. Waits are really bad for multiplayer map, so I could help you find the cause that crashes your game.
Level 2
Jul 22, 2015
Map is attached. I tried to set a variable unit group for all the creeps in SW Creep Town region that would revive them and give them the levels... but it didn't work so I tried with Pick Units in Region, that didn't work either.

Because the map isn't meant to be that long of a game and because you only level up by killing the last creep in your creep town, I made it so Tome of Power gives 2 levels instead of 1, so revived creeps level up 2 levels each time. I find this not only allows for a much faster feel to the game but also allows players to access more abilities without having a super long playtime.

Another issue I need to work out: I modified the melee units for each tier 3 town hall to make them revive heroes and sell the items / upgrades available in game. However... the Tree of Eternity has the move and such buttons cluttering up it's UI in game and I want to remove them but don't know how. I don't want it to be able to get up and walk which is why I removed the "root" ability.

Edit: All of the heroes are made from the same base model to make them all relatively equal, with each having a unique non-hero ability that sets them apart and gives them their specialization. The Huntress might be broken though as her ability is being able to tame a beast hero (doesn't have hero inventory so when she levels up, so does it) and she's meant to be 25% weaker than the base model and the beast is meant to be 50% weaker because of this. Yet I don't know if I did this correctly.


  • King of The Pyramid.w3x
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