I am kind of lazy to make a changelog everytime, you see this is rarely hosted so not much of people play it so I decided not to include that, not worth writing you can say.
Priestess of the Moon was just remade so she is freaking... hot. I know this and she will be getting some nerfs, the numbers to be specified.
About the Mana Hunter... yeah he is one of the very slow-paced hero because he doesn't have AoE damage spell. To be precise his spells are ineffective against creeps and was made to be very specified to some situations (where there are a lot of enemy Casters). He will be getting one or two spells remade maybe his Mana Drain to be AoE spell, I'm going to work that out.
About Mountain King... thanks for that maybe I'm going to write a better tooltips and a better spell name. You pointed out the real fact about he should have more active spells, but I already know that because of I could not think some nicely fit active spells so I put him one more basic passive, despite that the current Mountain King is very balanced and enjoyable to play.
I'm not a native English speaker. In fact, I never use it in real life and I studied it on my own via some books and... Internet, that's why I could not make some nice spell names and tooltips.
For the balance of heroes, excluding that I listed I think most of them are balanced enough. I will not explain here how to play all of them, that would limit the strategies so better go and try for yourself for the builds that you like. Also you could list them if you think they are imbalanced I'm an open-minded so I will look at them more specifically.
About items, I know people are going to complain that there are only a few items but I have a nice explanation for that.
This map is intended to be simple yet competitive for advanced players. Adding more unneeded items and combination system, new players will complain "WTF there are too many items and I couldn't figure it out what should I buy." then some people may spend 10-20 minutes so they can make a decision and by that time the game should have already finished. And yes there are a lot of players that want some really freaking imba items like +250 damage maybe? so they can rock everyone in the game, but you know this is a fast-paced game so the amount of sum they gather to buy that freaking imba items may be all of time they use to farm. They should spend their gold elsewhere like buying reinforcements or auras to keep harassing the enemies. So I can only say this, there will be no combination system but of course this doesn't limit to variety of new items, like artifacts that have spells inside. I will look deeper before I will add any more items.
Lastly, thanks for all feedbacks. I love them. Anymore is welcome.
Also thanks for hosting this for me. I don't host because of my high ping it would be impossible to host for people... that live across the world.