Create a >8MB Map (MUI)

Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Hi I'm Grey Nightmare, this is my first tutorial ever and it shows you how to set-up and use a map bigger than 8MB (no limit) even on LAN (confirmed) and potentially BNet (only have one wc3 key, so this is as yet unconfirmed, but no idea why it wouldn't work).

Before we begin, there are some things anyone wishing to attempt this should be aware of:

Firstly, the tools you'll require

-> Warcraft 3 TFT

-> Warcraft 3 WE (I used standard, but I guess WEU, JNGP will work too)

-> MDX Pather

-> RegEdit (Windows Program)

Please note the red text. To do this (as far as I know) you must add a DWORD 32-bit value key to the registry as I will explain later on, this is not optional and most importantly...

Changing the registry in any way shape or form can seriously damage software on your pc, you should not attempt this tutorial if you have any doubts about what the registry is, how to do it or where I'm telling you to edit it - I will not take any liability for anyone foolish enough to attempt this, do so at your own risk!

If you are still determined and know what your doing remember, ALWAYS BACKUP YOUR REGISTRY, no matter how good you are, we all make mistakes :con:


Anyway, sorry about the shouting - it's over now, but it needed to be said.

How does it work?

Ok, first of all - how does it work? It's actually surprisingly simple.
If you've ever played NeverWinterNights online with mods or 'hak paks' you'll pick this up pretty quickly.

All we do is store all the models, skins, sounds etc... on your pc instead of in the map, in a very special folder (more on that later).

This essentially allows you to have a map as big as your hard-drive... aka limitless.

Like in neverwinternights if you wanted to play a 'unlimited import' map, you'd have to download the appropriate folder from it's site... the hive... wherever. You would then unzip this folder and paste it directly into your wc3 directory, where the map folder is! :mwahaha: Simple.

Not only that! But BNet download time would be next to none, as you could download the appropriate files/folder off a website which we all know is much, much faster.

And because new versions of maps only (usually) contain trigger/terrain changes, you wouldn't need to download the folder again! :) Only a couple of kb map on BNet (instant dl, near enough).

So... No imports as you can see in the picture below. :cool:

Awesome Lich King Model By l0w_kwaliti

Here's the hard-er bit (getting it set-up) (

Ah... the boring bit :gg:

It's not actually too bad - honest!

We'll start with changing the registry, again if you have even an drop of doubt, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS! And make sure you BACK IT UP!

Right, first off open regedit, I'm assuming if you know anything about it you know how to open it, I'm also hoping this will catch out some of those trying to ruin their pc.

...due to feedback by the one and only Sasuhkun ;) - I've decided to tell you all how to open the registry/RegEdit - It's fairly simple and i'm sure you can do it a number of ways, but with Windows Vista or Windows 7 hit 'start' and type RegEdit into that search bar... simple (like everything else, hopefully :p)

1.Click the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder within it.

2. Click 'Software' within that one.

3. Blizzard Entertainment

4. And yes, you've got it - Warcraft 3.

Your folder directory to the left should look something like this:


All good? - Right now is a good time for me to thank 3ICE for this whole idea of allowing wc3 to read local files, I saw him mention it in a RtC thread, sadly he seems inactive now and only ever tried it with sound files... but that is no reason not to thank him!

Anyway... Let's continue!

Now highlight/select the Warcraft 3 folder click 'edit' on the toolbar of regedit, then highlight 'new' and select: DWORD (32 bit) Value.

Call the newly created DWORD: "Allow Local Files" and set it's value data to '1'!
Leave anything else as it is and press ok.

:hohum: Well that's it, wc3 can now access any local files (files within it's own directory) we ask it to.

Were not done though, not yet.
We still have to set up the 'special folder' and some MDX pathing tweaks, after all we don't want the models looking for skins in the map, that would be ruin the whole point of this tutorial!

Setting Up The Sub-Folder

This couldn't be simpler! Just make a new folder inside your Warcraft 3 Directory, usually found somewhere like C:\Program Files\Warcraft III - call it something awesome, but relevant to your map of course... I've called mine 'cez' merely because that's my nickname and I'm too lazy to think up a map name, with it being a demo and all...

Now all we have to do is stick all our relevant models/skins/sounds etc... in that folder. Simple. Take a peek at mine...


Were almost done, well I am :xxd: the amount of stuff you want to put in this map/folder will depend on how long you'll be!

Texture/Skin Pathing

Right, open up MDX Pather, or download it from the 'tools' section of the Hiveworkshop if you don't have it.

Open it up and do the following for every model you wish to have in your map, it's a pain I know... but once this is done the first time, as long as you don't override that copy of the model file you'll never have to do it again.

Note models with in-game textures are exempt from this part of the tutorial (so use lots of them if you like saving time!)


So, yes. Open up the model (which should be in your 'special folder' in the wc3 directory by now) and you should see all it's pathing paths, arrayed out like in the image below:


Note how I have changed the paths of all the custom textures, just do exactly that.

Change the custom texture paths to: 'YourSpecialFolder'\texturename.filetype

Save it and repeat for any other models!

Finally: Object Editor Model Paths

Literally, just like the above you change the filepath to 'YourSpecialFolder'\Modelname.filetype

See the image below...


That is, literally all there is to it, you should now be able to play that map and it will read the models/skins from the folders, multiplayer (LAN) WILL work but both players need to have the 'Allow Local Files' registry and the correctly named folder and contents.

Well I hope you guys and (gals?) like this and find some use for it, one last thing before I leave - I have some suggestions/extra information below, but this is by no means an essential read - :smile: Good Luck, Have Fun and go download some imports!!!

Extra Information

Things to note:
-> If you use this method PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE note so in the map description so people don't load up the game to find their is showing loads of black blobs or green chequered boxes because they don't have the 'special folder'.

-> If you plan on making a widely distributed map I suggest you use a zip folder with all the pre-pathed/named contents that people can just unzip and plonk in their directory.

-> Be very careful with where you download ZIP folders from, no doubt someone will pick up on this and stick viruses inside them :thumbs_down: just be careful!

-> Don't go mental, ok yes, it's unlimited, but you still have to download the folder so I wouldn't recommend anything over 200mb for wide distribution.

-> Try making more sub-folders in your special folder, like 'models', 'skins' etc... this will keep large ones a lot tidier (you will have to change the paths accordingly).

-> Pick a fairly unique name for your folder, not just 'Dota' as think how many people might use that!? Then you would obviously have problems with loading the wrong folders content and still seeing black blobs and green boxes...

There is probably much more to say, or something I've missed in the tutorial - please anything constructive feedback is welcome and I will try and add anything I've missed ASAP!

Once again, enjoy! :spell_breaker:
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Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Thats a key specific to your PC. It probably doesnt exist on any other PC. How to work around this? Easy, go into HKEY_CURRENT_USER and then into the subfolder Software and so on.

Haha, :xxd: yes! Thankyou can't believe I didn't think of that! I'll change it ASAP, cheers - + Rep!

That is horrible. So everbody has to download the models in order to play the map? Eww.
Also you have to update them with every time you play.

Btw, it could cause desyncs though..

YES - But it would be a folder, that you would download, unzip and paste directly into your wc3 directly - walah... i'm sure the average person can be bothered with that if it's a really good map - if your just a player the only technical bit you need to worry about is the registry part :hohum:

No I didn't, as your tutorial means the map can't be distributed normally through

Why not? Once you have the 'base' folder in your directly all versions of the map (assuming their is no NEW models, models can be changed as long as their in the resource folder) will download instantly or near enough, due to having all the models on ur pc... not in the map.

The only time you'd need to redownload or download extra would be if there was a big release, e.g. new heroes/skins etc... and even so it's a matter of either replacing your other resource folder (download, cut, paste) or just pasting a new subfolder within it called: "Example v1.02 Resources".

That's all, it's only the map maker that has to deal with paths and stuff, most of which can be done via the WE - if they use alot of models with custom skins then it'll be more time consuming, luckily alot on the hive use in-game textures. :cute:

Your images are still not loading..

Still not sure why this is, hmm actually I might have the album set to private - that would prevent seeing them embedded? I'll check.

But please.. if you have doubts or expectations the simplest way is to give it a go, you can't effectively trash something you haven't tried. :bored:

EDIT: Changed album to public, should work now? It does for me on two pcs (when I'm logged in or out).
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Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
The images are loading... lol.

Yes yes, it has its bad points.


Anachron, with that, Diablo III could have all the goddamn custom models and all of all the goddamn world, and after that it would take only a bit to download!

The possibilities.... the possibilities! I know quite some maps that stopped upgrading because they've reached the limit, would be too heavy, etc etc.

But this is... GENIOUS! Simply GENIOUS! INCREDIBLE!!! Of course, may be hard in the beginning and all, but it is really good.
Actually, this idea had been up for ages, but people don't do it because it's pretty pointless... You can create a good map under 3MB. Hell, you don't even NEED custom art to make a good map, and this comes from a modeler, because I know that more you concentrate on the art, way more shitty the gameplay gets, because the best maps have got next to zero imports.
Level 20
Feb 24, 2009
Actually, this idea had been up for ages, but people don't do it because it's pretty pointless... You can create a good map under 3MB. Hell, you don't even NEED custom art to make a good map, and this comes from a modeler, because I know that more you concentrate on the art, way more shitty the gameplay gets, because the best maps have got next to zero imports.

This is true beyond compare, but that isn't because art ruins gameplay it's because people become obsessed with it and they ruin the gameplay because like you said, they concentrate on the art...

This isn't pointless it's just not for everyone (or is for very few), if someone comes along and is capable of balancing art/gameplay this would work great... official games have used this custom content system and yielded some great mods; NeverWinterNights being a glowing example.

:con: Sure people may not use it, I'm not a mapper - at least I've never released/finished one, so even I won't - I merely saw this oppurtunity, saw a lack of tutorial on it and posted it for those few who do find it useful :wink:
Level 12
Jul 30, 2009
Actually, this idea had been up for ages, but people don't do it because it's pretty pointless... You can create a good map under 3MB. Hell, you don't even NEED custom art to make a good map, and this comes from a modeler, because I know that more you concentrate on the art, way more shitty the gameplay gets, because the best maps have got next to zero imports.

That's the problem? LoL.

Again, Diablo III is the perfect example. Best models, skins, etc I've seen on my whole life. Also best gameplay of the genre that I've liked. The only thing that I like of the genre as much as Diablo III project is Balin's Tomb.
It is a good idea that has come up a lot, but it isn't something this forum should necessarily promote. Sorry. =\

It was well-made but there are some things that would be hazardous:
Changing the registry in any way shape or form can seriously damage software on your pc, you should not attempt this tutorial if you have any doubts about what the registry is, how to do it or where I'm telling you to edit it - I will not take any liability for anyone foolish enough to attempt this, do so at your own risk!

Especially since most of the "newer" users would want a map >8 MB. Your tutorial is well-intentioned, but I just don't think this is the thing to promote, especially since it would be much harder for map moderators to moderate.

However, I'll leave this open for discussion for a week. =) If anyone convinces me that this is very useful for good reasons and that it is a good addition to the depository, then I'll approve it. (Once some colors are changed and the smilies removed =P) Else I think the appropriate place for this would be the graveyard. Sorry. =(

Okay, I'll graveyard it then. =) Thanks for being a good sport.
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