How to creat a unit at a point with given x and y coordinates?
The function is
its function is
I just need to create a unit at a given k and y coordinate. I don't want to use location as they leak. Any other way to do it?
The function is
its function is
function CreateNUnitsAtLoc takes integer count, integer unitId, player whichPlayer, location loc, real face returns group
call GroupClear(bj_lastCreatedGroup)
set count = count - 1
exitwhen count < 0
call CreateUnitAtLocSaveLast(whichPlayer, unitId, loc, face)
call GroupAddUnit(bj_lastCreatedGroup, bj_lastCreatedUnit)
return bj_lastCreatedGroup
I just need to create a unit at a given k and y coordinate. I don't want to use location as they leak. Any other way to do it?