Crazy Survival v0.4c

This is a hero survival Map, which was created for the Spee Mapping Contes #1.

Actually Features:
- 5 diffrent heroes which are random given to the players (Max. Level 15; 3 normal abilities and 1 ultimate)
- 21 items
- 15 waves of creeps
- 3 bosses
- More Player = Harder Gameplay

Upcoming Features:
- Special Events (working on)
- More heroes
- More items (including item stacking => I'm working on my own stacking system nearly finished)
- Chose heroes
- Much more waves => more hero levels
- Improving terrain (but in this kind of map not that necessary)
- AI so that you can play with comps :)

What do I have to do in this map?
- Survive all waves
- don't lose your lifes
- creep enters mid = -1 life
- boss enters mid = -10 lives

Silvnon : Systems
Eccho : System

version 0.1
- first release

Version 0.2
- Decreased the number of spawning creeps
- Added a player leaving detection system
- All in all reduced the difficulty of waves
- Increased the goldrate of the first levels
- Fixed a bug with the spell 'Cyclone'

Version 0.2b
- Fixed a bug with the second boss
- Reduced the hp + damage of bosses, especialy for the endboss
- Reduced damage of level 6+ non boss creeps
- Increased damage of 'Dark Arrow' by 25 per level
- Increased damage of 'Entangling Roots' by 10 per level and also reduced cooldown by 7 seconds
- Reduced cooldown of 'Hammer of Wrath' to 30 seconds

Version 0.3
- Fixed a bug with the third boss
- Added a friendly fire system
- Reworked the Funny Grunt
- Reworked the Not Living Dead
- Reworked 'Hammer of Wrath'
- Added some more camera angles
- Increased the gold gained per level
- Reworked boss levels
- Increased the charges of Potion of Restoration
- Fixed the text of 'Claws of Attack +20'

Version 0.3b
- Fixed a bug which occured in level 14
- Heroes are now random given to the players
- Reworked the difficulty
- Reworked the Tree Lover
- Reduced the agility gained by the Crazy Archer per Level, but increased the intelligence gained
- Fixed a bug with 'Battle Cry'
- Reduced cooldown of 'Battle Cry' to 25 seconds
- Reduced manacosts for 'Entangling Roots'
- When a round ends, there will now spawn a healing ward which regenerates mana and hp for 10 seconds

Version 0.3c
- Increased healing done by the 'Healing Ward'
- When boss enters the middle area you lose now 10 lifes

version 0.4
- Fixed a bug with the hero allocation
- Increased the damage of 'Nightmare' and fixed a bug with the Debuff
- Reworked the difficulty
- Fixed bug with 'Robe of Intelligence +6'
- Increased damage of 'Howl of Terror' and slightly increased the range
- Increased the attackspeed gained by 'Bloodlust'

version 0.4a
- Fixed a bug with the hero allocation
- Reduced the damage of all creeps
- Increased the damage of all damage spells

version 0.4b
- Finally fixed hero allocation bug
- Increased difficulty a bit

version 0.4c
- Changed Dialog title
- Changed script that chooses which door will be opened
- Reduced damage of creeps a bit
- Now there are 10 seconds in the end before the win dialog is created


Crazy Survival v0.4c (Map)

15:28, 11th Jul 2009 PurplePoot: I'm not going to review this again, but this game was already approvable based on my old review for the contest itself. As it was entertaining and well made but not perfect, I've rated it Recommended.




15:28, 11th Jul 2009
PurplePoot: I'm not going to review this again, but this game was already approvable based on my old review for the contest itself. As it was entertaining and well made but not perfect, I've rated it Recommended.
Level 3
Mar 19, 2009
Suggested players: 6
Available slots to play:5

+Hero Skills seem to be useful and working.

-Random hero selection? Or Predetermined selection?
-Mobs can be pushed outside the arena by spells
-Heroes can be trapped behind gates
-Defeat conditions do not apply. -4, -5, -6 lives.
-Voting for gates does not work. Only 1 gate was opening in a 3 player game.
-Items are limited and unimaginitive

Rating 1/5

Game has a potential future, but i would never re-host in its current state.
Level 16
Feb 22, 2006
first thank your for this review

Suggested players: 6
Available slots to play:5

forgot to change it :O will be changed in the next version

-Random hero selection? Or Predetermined selection?

It's random, there are only 5 heroes so with this sys there is a better chance if you play the map again to get another hero

-Mobs can be pushed outside the arena by spells
-Heroes can be trapped behind gates

Both bugs are known to me, I will fix this also in the next version

-Defeat conditions do not apply. -4, -5, -6 lives.

should work, tested it several times and it worked always

-Voting for gates does not work. Only 1 gate was opening in a 3 player game.

this also works, but if 3 people vote 3 diffrent gates always the 1 one will be opened (votes for gates 2,3,4 => nr.2 will be opened)

all in all i must say, there are some bugs left, because i just had 5 days to create this map for the speed mapping contest, so i couldn't find all to fix them, next version will be a great improvement of this map (many bug fixes, 1-2 special events, a new way for me to improve balance => all damage done by players will be saved in vars and can be shown, I implement AI for computer players => currently done with the main parts now improving it, and again some balance changes, also I think about adding a vote for the difficulty in the beginning in addition to the player adjusted difficulty)
Level 5
Oct 9, 2008
i test the map and i simplement will wait for future versions..
taht you will add is the most important for now..
about heros, really need to be selected, and no random
also the game is too easy...
including the bosses

i like some spells but they are basic
i like the icons but they increment the map dl time.. and is not too much important... i recomend to put
a) less quality
b) predef buttons..
Level 3
Jan 26, 2009
I found a problem then. In a last wave I let boss come through the gate and it count -4 life left. Then when I finish that wave I