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  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
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Craka, I got another set of questions

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Level 3
May 3, 2007
hey i ahve some questions about controlls like how do u join a party with a ai-bot and/or another player?
and how do u buy stuff from stores and how do u talk to quest npcs?
how can u use warsoc?
and will it cost actual money to buy warsoc?
tell me more about this warsoc and how it will work and who agian made itand wher i can get itand for how much $.
will ther be a auction system in multyplayer and/or single?
can we go on massive raids to kill a big giant dragon?
and when and if w go on said raid if it gets up and flys will the camera be able to see it fly? as in point the camera up? you should make it so ther is another camrea option that it locks on to a enemie like a boss or even a regular monster?
and u should be able to unlock the cam when u wish, is ther somtin like that in the works?
how will the loot tables work after u kill a monster?
how will the crafting profesions and stuff work?
how about the racial bonuses? like tauren get warstomp and night elf have hide?
oh and remember to add stuff like leroy jeankins and stuff inside :)
is it possible in any way to like alow us to use micro phones to talk?(dont worry about people talk spam the server make it so only people that r close can hear it) or somtin like that
i read somtin on ur main website on features it sais only 5 playable race???????

more quetions to come
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Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
1) At the moment, all you have to do is simply click on the Player-Bot/Player and it will ask to invite them into your party.

2) We're still working on how talking to NPCs and how quests will be accepted and so on. I'll try to gather more detailed information soon about this.

3) WarSoc is not finished as far as I know. So I'm afraid I cannot provide valid information to you until it is finished.

4) No. It will not cost you one cent to download/install/run the third-party-program WarSoc as far as I know.

5) If you haven't read the About page thoroughly and haven't read the News article "A MMOre Informative Update", you can find more information about WarSoc HERE!

6) There won't be an aution-house/auctioneer system for a while I predict. But hopefully we'll eventually add it, since it is actually a signifigant addition to WC3:WoW.

7) Not yet. We're not even sure if we're going to add a Raiding System for a while either. But once again, we'll get what ever information we can as soon as possible.

8) I don't understand what you are trying to ask me. Hence I cannot answer this question. Ask this question again with more detail and better grammar if you can, please.

9) At the moment, that is already in the mod. However we may get rid of it. Still debating on it.

10) At the moment, looting is like this: After you kill a mob, a 'unit' is created where the killed mob unit is and the newly created unit uses a model of sparkels, but is easily selectable. The unit has an 8 slot inventory and is lootable only by the player who killed the unit. This is a problem we'll have to work around soon since Kill Stealers will be very affective problem on our hands.

11) Haven't worked on this very much yet. But when we do, we'll let everyone know how it works.

12) Yes. Racials from WoW will apply to races in WC3:WoW as well such as War Stomp for Taurens and other stat bonuses.

13) First we're going to make the A.I. of Player-Bots, but we'll worry about making stupid bots later on. Don't worry! It wouldn't be realistic if we didn't add bad players too!

14) Unfortunately this will probably never be added. However you can download the program "Ventrilo" at www.ventrilo.com and if you know a server that your friends may have, you can go there and chat. Will WC3:WoW buy a Ventrilo server? Possibly. Yet doubtful due to the risk of annoying advertisers.
Thanks for asking these questions!
Level 3
May 3, 2007
well number 8 is more of a sugestion and nuber 10 yea that will be a problem wit loot ninjas and what if ur in a party or in a raid or somtin like 1 big giant monster that took 30 people to kill, will the preson that landed the finsihing shot get it?, that sucks.

to claify number 8 like ther is a comand that u can type when ur selecting a monster that when u click enther wher ever u move the camera will be centered on it from the camera point in ur chars forehead like if it was a dragon (this camer will be usfull for spellcasters and hunters) the mage/archer can just right click the middle of screen because its centered on the monster, if it flys over head that camera points up or wherever it needs to point
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
Oh I get what you're saying now. No. We will most likely not add such a camera system.
It would be probably an easy system to add though, since all you'd need to do is pan a camera at a certain off-set to the unit clicked on. It'd probably be harder to have cameras pan on areas though.
We might add this, but then again, for PvP issues such as battlegrounds this would be used to a painful advantage and would be abused way too much. For example: In WSG a player can pan a camera on the enemy's roof by the flag-room and have the ability to see what is going on and tell whether the flag/flag carrier is in the room or not. Though we could easily disable such a camera system for specific maps. But still, it'd make it harder for people being ganked by players. For example, a ganker can kill someone grinding run away and make it seem like the ganker left, and while the player is still dead, the ganker can pan a camera on the corpse of the ganked victim and when the victim ressurects, the ganker will know when to strike again.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
In the new open beta, will the terrain resemble that of the screen shots on the site?
Level 3
May 3, 2007
but yea that camrea would be cool but on in cretan maps like a dragon lair yea disable it in pvp cus ther migth be stuff like a rougue and his strageti against magse ois not let em target him by moveing side to side and such so plz make that camera
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
It probably would be a good idea to enable the camera panning system for instances only. But still, it'd probably be hard to implement and for something that isn't even needed, we're not willing to waste time on it. So best chance is that it won't be in the mod.
Level 1
Sep 4, 2007
@looting: In WoW the one who had the first hit on the mob gets the loot, not the one with the last hit. I think that system would be quite good to prevent kill stealing.
In groups, of course, you would need specific loot systems (loot master, group loot etc.)
Some other point: Have you ever talked about in/out-combat system? It would be important for rage generation as well as for some abilities
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