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- Nov 30, 2007
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Found this:
Hmm, actually loaded units have the same position as when they were loaded even if the ship moves. That means one could detect when their position is changed.
Any other suggestions?
Okey, I've created this library, feedback on it? How would you have done it?
Currently this would break if a unit carrying loaded units would die and then a new transport would take its place.
Found this:
Unit - A unit Is loaded into a transport
Hmm, actually loaded units have the same position as when they were loaded even if the ship moves. That means one could detect when their position is changed.
Any other suggestions?
Okey, I've created this library, feedback on it? How would you have done it?
Currently this would break if a unit carrying loaded units would die and then a new transport would take its place.
library LoadLib initializer Init
real eventUnload
private real array x
private real array y
private integer tot = 0
private integer array inTransport
private integer array loadedCount
private group array loadedUnits
private trigger trgCheck = CreateTrigger()
function GetLoadedUnits takes unit u returns group
return loadedUnits[GetUnitUserData(u)]
function GetLoadedCount takes unit u returns integer
return loadedCount[GetUnitUserData(u)]
private function Enum takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetEnumUnit()
local integer i = GetUnitUserData(u)
if x[i] != GetUnitX(u) or y[i] != GetUnitY(u) then
call GroupRemoveUnit(loadedUnits[0], u)
call GroupRemoveUnit(loadedUnits[inTransport[i]], u)
set loadedCount[inTransport[i]] = loadedCount[inTransport[i]] - 1
if loadedCount[inTransport[i]] == 0 then // Should be moved to deindex event
call DestroyGroup(loadedUnits[inTransport[i]])
set loadedUnits[inTransport[i]] = null
set tot = tot - 1
if tot == 0 then
call DisableTrigger(trgCheck)
set eventUnload = 0.
set eventUnload = 1.
private function CheckForUnload takes nothing returns boolean
call ForGroup(loadedUnits[0], function Enum)
return false
private function OnUnitLoad takes nothing returns boolean
local unit loaded = GetTriggerUnit()
local unit transport = GetTransportUnit()
local integer l = GetUnitUserData(loaded)
local integer t = GetUnitUserData(transport)
set x[l] = GetUnitX(loaded)
set y[l] = GetUnitY(loaded)
set inTransport[l] = t
call GroupAddUnit(loadedUnits[0], loaded)
if loadedUnits[t] == null then // Should be moved to index event
call BJDebugMsg("null")
set loadedUnits[t] = CreateGroup()
call GroupAddUnit(loadedUnits[t], loaded)
set loadedCount[t] = loadedCount[t] + 1
set tot = tot + 1
if tot == 1 then
call EnableTrigger(trgCheck)
return false
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
local integer i = 0
set loadedUnits[0] = CreateGroup()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED, null)
set i = i + 1
exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(trgCheck, 0.1, true)
call TriggerAddCondition(trgCheck, Condition(function CheckForUnload))
call DisableTrigger(trgCheck)
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Condition(function OnUnitLoad))
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