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Cosmetic Viruses?

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Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Because you probably don't know how DNA gets to be proteins, I'm going to explain it to you, beleive me when I say this is important to the topic suggested in the title.

What happens is you have 21 strands of DNA in your chromosones, in each strand is the genetic information for many different things, including our friends the proteins. When your body wants to create a certain protein it has its mechanisms unwrap the piece of the DNA strand that it wants from the histones it's wrapped around, they then pull the two tightly-wrapped strands away from each other. They then make a copy of the bit of genetic information needed as RNA and re-wrap the DNA back into place. The RNA then enters into a ribosome and to make a long story short, is built from the ground up from perhaps thousands of amino acids.

Now on to the cosmetic virus bit. There is this particular enzyme (a type of protein) call taq, it is an reverse-transcriptase, which means it can turn RNA back into DNA. If you understood that fully you should be reeling from the possibilities, if not, read on. You could create synthetic RNA for, say, green hair, and then insert that into taq and create a virus to insert the taq and have it overwrite someone's current DNA for his/her hair colour. Then any new hair s/he grew would be green, permanently. If you think of the possibilities you'll see you could theoretically do much, much more than just changing hair colour though.

Have fun speculating on the advances of science!
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
yeh it could also be used to do horrible things. i am unsure what to think about such treatments. before we do anything i think laws and regulations should be put in place, more research should be done and then mabey we should think about it. its a very promising but potentially catastophic too.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Yeah, the possibilities for both "good" and "evil" with genetically engineering anything are pretty big. Thats why I'm more into nanites than genetically engineered viruses, less chance of something going wrong. After all, a nanites programming is unlikely to mutate, unlike living organisms.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
GST_Nemisis said:
also im not sure about the ethics of genetic engineering at all. for the momement i would prefer if nothing happenes before we are sure we are doing the right thing.

Are you sure what you think of as right is actually right? Is it even right in your own terms of right? After all, you don't know what consequnces your actions could have in 30,000,000 years time, now do you? You can't just go branding things "good" and "bad" left, right and center. And no matter what you prefer, it's gonig to happen. And seeing as it is, then you should try to do what you perceive to be the right thing concerning genetic modifcation.
Level 21
Jan 5, 2005
yeh i know what u mean but its what we think of right or wrong. like i could go shoot my next door neighbour in the face and it would be wrong, but if in 10 years hes a tyranical dictator then it would not be so bad. still we have to choose between what each of us personally thinks is right or wrong, and atm im undecided with genetic engineering.
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