I'm just trying to practice Java and I was working on a mini-Warcraft-alike engine in Java using 3rd-party librarys and the best 3D loader i could find is for .obj's. I wanted a model to toy with so I just thought of stealing a Warcraft 3 model ( for educational purposes ) to use. I found biturn to convert the .mdx to the .obj/.mtl but I'm not sure that I'm doing it right. I also cant figure out how to re-link the model to the texture after conversion. Attached are my (attempted) .obj and .mtl files
tldr ; Tutorial for successful .mdx.blp -> .obj/.mtl/.bmp conversion.
E/ Hive uploader doesnt support .obj/.mtl
tldr ; Tutorial for successful .mdx.blp -> .obj/.mtl/.bmp conversion.
E/ Hive uploader doesnt support .obj/.mtl