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- May 23, 2011
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(Jass) Check My Jass Syntax ( AI )
Can anyone help me check the syntax of my Jass please because im confused.It causes error and disobedience in my AI......
I will gladly Credit your name in my map.....
Can anyone help me check the syntax of my Jass please because im confused.It causes error and disobedience in my AI......
function AILearnSkill takes unit h, string a returns nothing
local integer i = GetTableInt(a, "LearnSkillOrder")+1
if i == 1 or i == 4 or i == 8 then
call SelectHeroSkill(h, GetStoredInteger(udg_GameCache, UnitId2String(GetUnitTypeId(h)), "BaseSkill1"))
elseif i == 2 or i == 5 or i == 9 then
call SelectHeroSkill(h, GetStoredInteger(udg_GameCache, UnitId2String(GetUnitTypeId(h)), "BaseSkill2"))
elseif i == 3 or i == 7 or i == 10 then
call SelectHeroSkill(h, GetStoredInteger(udg_GameCache, UnitId2String(GetUnitTypeId(h)), "BaseSkill3"))
elseif i == 6 then
call SelectHeroSkill(h, GetStoredInteger(udg_GameCache, UnitId2String(GetUnitTypeId(h)), "UltimateSkill"))
call SetTableInt(a, "LearnSkillOrder", i)
function AISetItem takes nothing returns nothing
set bj_lastRemovedItem=GetEnumItem()
function AIItemFilter takes nothing returns boolean
return IsItemVisible(GetFilterItem()) and GetWidgetLife(GetFilterItem()) > 0
function AIHasEmptyInventorySlot takes unit u returns boolean
return UnitItemInSlot(u, 0) == null or UnitItemInSlot(u, 1) == null or UnitItemInSlot(u, 2) == null or UnitItemInSlot(u, 3) == null or UnitItemInSlot(u, 4) == null or UnitItemInSlot(u, 5) == null
function AIFilterEnemyConditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetUnitState(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_STATE_LIFE) > 0 and IsPlayerEnemy(GetOwningPlayer(GetFilterUnit()), GetOwningPlayer(GetAttachedUnit(GetExpiredTimer(), "hero")))
function AILoop takes nothing returns nothing
local string a = GetAttachmentTable(GetExpiredTimer())
local unit h = GetTableUnit(a, "hero")
local rect i
local location r
local real x = GetUnitX(h)
local real y = GetUnitY(h)
local group g
local boolexpr b
local boolexpr be
local unit f
local string o = OrderId2String(GetUnitCurrentOrder(h))
local real l = GetUnitState(h, UNIT_STATE_LIFE)
local real e = 5
if l <= 0 then
set e = 1.5
if l < GetUnitState(h, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)/5 then
call IssuePointOrder(h, "move", GetUnitX(gg_unit_nfoh_0001), GetUnitY(gg_unit_nfoh_0001))
set e = 3
if ((o == "smart") or (o == "attack") or (o == "patrol") or (o == "move") or (o == "stop") or (o == "hold") or (o == null)) then
set g = CreateGroup()
set b = Condition(function AIFilterEnemyConditions)
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(g, x, y, 500, b)
set f = FirstOfGroup(g)
if f == null then
set i = Rect(x-800, y-800, x+800, y+800)
set be = Condition(function AIItemFilter)
set bj_lastRemovedItem=null
call EnumItemsInRect(i, be, function AISetItem)
if bj_lastRemovedItem != null and (GetItemType(bj_lastRemovedItem) == ITEM_TYPE_POWERUP or AIHasEmptyInventorySlot(h)) then
call IssueTargetOrder(h, "smart", bj_lastRemovedItem)
set r = GetRandomLocInRect(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
call IssuePointOrderLoc(h, "patrol", r)
call RemoveLocation(r)
call RemoveRect(i)
call DestroyBoolExpr(be)
call IssueTargetOrder(h, "attack", f)
call DestroyGroup(g)
call DestroyBoolExpr(b)
if GetHeroSkillPoints(h) > 0 and l > 0 then
call AILearnSkill(h, a)
call TimerStart(GetExpiredTimer(), e, true, function AILoop)
set h = null
set i = null
set r = null
set g = null
set b = null
set f = null
set be = null
function StartAI takes unit hero returns nothing
local timer m = CreateTimer()
call AttachObject(m, "hero", hero)
call TimerStart(m, 0, false, function AILoop)
set m = null
function PlayerLeaves takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
call DisplayTextToForce(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS, GetPlayerName(p)+" has left the game.")
if udg_Hero[GetPlayerId(p)] != null then
call StartAI(udg_Hero[GetPlayerId(p)])
set p = null
function SetupSkills takes nothing returns nothing
local string h
// Paladin
set h = UnitId2String('Hpal')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AHhb')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AHds')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AHad')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AHre')
// Archmage
set h = UnitId2String('Hamg')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AHbz')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AHab')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AHwe')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AHmt')
// Mountain King
set h = UnitId2String('Hmkg')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AHtc')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AHtb')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AHbh')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AHav')
// Blood Mage
set h = UnitId2String('Hblm')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AHfs')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AHbn')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AHdr')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AHpx')
// Blademaster
set h = UnitId2String('Obla')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AOwk')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AOcr')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AOmi')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AOww')
// Far Seer
set h = UnitId2String('Ofar')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AOfs')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AOsf')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AOcl')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AOeq')
// Tauren Chieftain
set h = UnitId2String('Otch')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AOsh')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AOae')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AOws')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AOre')
// Shadow Hunter
set h = UnitId2String('Oshd')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AOhw')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AOhx')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AOsw')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AOvd')
// Death Knight
set h = UnitId2String('Udea')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AUdc')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AUdp')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AUau')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AUan')
// Lich
set h = UnitId2String('Ulic')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AUfn')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AUfu')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AUdr')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AUdd')
// Dreadlord
set h = UnitId2String('Udre')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AUav')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AUsl')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AUcs')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AUin')
// Crypt Lord
set h = UnitId2String('Ucrl')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AUim')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AUts')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AUcb')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AUls')
// Keeper of the Grove
set h = UnitId2String('Ekee')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AEer')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AEfn')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AEah')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AEtq')
// Priestess of the Moon
set h = UnitId2String('Emoo')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AEfa')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AEst')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AEar')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AEsf')
// Demon Hunter
set h = UnitId2String('Edem')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AEmb')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AEim')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AEev')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AEme')
// Warden
set h = UnitId2String('Ewar')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'AEbl')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'AEfk')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'AEsh')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'AEsv')
// Alchemist
set h = UnitId2String('Nalc')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANhs')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANab')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANcr')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANtm')
// Naga Sea Witch
set h = UnitId2String('Nngs')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANfl')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANfa')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANms')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANto')
// Tinker
set h = UnitId2String('Ntin')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANsy')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANcs')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANeg')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANrg')
// Beast Master
set h = UnitId2String('Nbst')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANsg')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANsq')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANsw')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANst')
// Dark Ranger
set h = UnitId2String('Nbrn')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANsi')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANba')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANdr')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANch')
// Firelord
set h = UnitId2String('Nfir')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANic')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANso')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANlm')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANvc')
// Pandaren Brewmaster
set h = UnitId2String('Npbm')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANbf')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANdh')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANdb')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANef')
// Pit Lord
set h = UnitId2String('Nplh')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill1", 'ANrf')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill2", 'ANht')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "BaseSkill3", 'ANca')
call StoreInteger(udg_GameCache, h, "UltimateSkill", 'ANdo')
function InitTrig_AI takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
set gg_trg_AI = CreateTrigger( )
exitwhen i > 11
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEventLeave( gg_trg_AI, Player(i) )
set i = i + 1
call TriggerAddAction( gg_trg_AI, function PlayerLeaves )
call ExecuteFunc("SetupSkills")
I will gladly Credit your name in my map.....
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