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Controlling unit's of other forces

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Level 1
Feb 14, 2020
Hey everyone.

For about a day now I've been trying to do some messing around on a couple of blizzard maps.

I was wondering if it is possible to control the unit's of multiple forces so they can attack each other.

At the moment I have put Player 1, Player 2 and Player 4 in 3 different forces. These are the settings.


Sadly, these options do not allow me to control or even share vision for some reason.

Is there a different option to allow this?

I have tried to use the triggers in this thread but those didn't do it either. Only Player 1 could attack the others, players 2 and 4 were allied and couldn't attack player 1.

Thanks in advance
Level 1
Feb 14, 2020
I fixed it, putting the different players in the same team made them attack eachother. Topic can be closed :)
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