Conspiracy: Rise of the Hybrids

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Conspiracy,the game
Created by Albert/Volkshire

My first map, This map is really just for checking if the concept will get positive feedbacks

Cause I'm gonna make the real whole game iff the story I thought of is good.

The mini game is all about roaming around the village looking for clues until you get to the last part and do the objective, Victor is the only one who can check suspicious looking things. He simply reads them (the signs).. To check simply walk up close to it.. so thats the mechanics..

Location: Volkvillage
Time: 1100 hours
Date: aug 19 1999
Mission is to investigate why 20 of the villagers disappear. While searching Victor uncovers a bigger secret....

(plot ends here)

So thats it for the mini -game the REAL game will be released in a bigger map.

So here's what it looks like if he approaches something:


Im currently making the sequel which is much longer, but I need a good terrain like this one

Terrain by
Eternal Epix

MordorOrc model
by Stanakin Skywalker

zerg,search,marine,space,alien,investigate, search

Conspiracy: Rise of the Hybrids (Map)

15:29, 7th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected Add a preview image and improve the description by shortening the text and adding more pictures (upload them in an album on the hive). Also change the author name to albertroy. Private message...




15:29, 7th Sep 2011
Vengeancekael: Status: Rejected

Add a preview image and improve the description by shortening the text and adding more pictures (upload them in an album on the hive).
Also change the author name to albertroy.
Private message me once you've updated it.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
First map huh? Here's a few pointers:
  • Use BB Codes
  • Post Screenshots
  • Add A Custom Map Preview Screen (Optional but makes people more 'aware' of your map)
  • If the map is incomplete, post it in this section of the forums -> Map Development
Here is essentially what a good description/details of a map looks like: Map Description Template.
You can either use it or mimic the idea and incorporate it into your details your own way.

Finally, this is the most important BB Code as it can hide screenshots and other noteworthy information.
Copy that and you'll get this.

Hope this helped. :)