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Computer Intilligence I MAKE IT FOR YOU !

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Level 8
Nov 20, 2005
Computer KI problems? Do you want to have a computer intilligence in youre map? Do you want that computer chose heroes and fight with their heroes in youre arena? Do you want that computer build towers in youre td?

tell me what you want to have .....

I will make it for you after I have heared the problem. But I just programm 1 KI at the same time. Please understand this.
Level 4
Jun 11, 2005
lol, so true, ^.^ u sound like that one guy, "welcome to big dans wacky waving inflatable waving tube man and recreation we can sell you all the wacky waving inflatable tubemen you want at big dans wacky waving inflatable waving tube man and recreation just come up to big dans wacky waving inflatable waving tube man and recreation and get ur own wacky waving infalatable tubemen come one and all to big dans wack....
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