Description: Using your brain to solve mazes with Unique Modes, Gameplay, Difficulities, Hero Skills, Maze Generator System, and many Others
-Find the key
-Fight the Monsters
-Run from Boulders
-Kill the Runner
-Survive the Bombers
-Defend the Base
-Team Survival
(All modes choosable by host through dialogues)
Commands: -sg : Starts the game with the desired game mode and difficulity -
-cdam : change difficulity and mode, camera will apply instantly, but mode on next round will effect.
-time : shows when the game started and when the round started
-music<number> : plays a music number, numbers from 1 to 43
Difficulities : 5 (very easy, easy, medium, hard, very hard)
Movement : Arrows ONLY (except the modes Team Survival and Defend the Base)
Game Duration : Unlimited (until host leaves)
many features to be found while testing the map.
Read quests for informations about modes, difficulities, commands, and credits
-A new mode: Team Survival
-A new mode: Defend the Base
-4 New Units (3 hostile units and one new mazer)
-Stronger map optimization
-Game mechanics improvement
-A new command : -time
-Various bug fixes
-New loading screen
-Less map size
Many other changes, play to see
Map Guide (or secondary introduction with guide):
Informations in Quests:
1- Using Howl of Energy is most useful (usually) for yourself
2- You can trap other mazers by slowing them or by stopping them, or by hexing them
3- Try to keep hiding from enemys and to not be revealed in them's screen
4- Know that more players are more fun!
5- Newbies/kids are not recommended to play this game
6-Use only arrows to move, you cant move using the mouse!
Abilitys Informations:
1 - Tornado [Z] - Casts a storm into a unit, holding him in the air for 2.5 seconds, due this duration the unit cant move/cast a spell.
2 - True Insult [X] - Turns a unit into a random animal for 3.5 seconds, due this duration the unit will have decreased movement speed and cannot cast and ability
3 - Scare [C] - Slows a target movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds, due this duration the unit can cast spells, but move with less speed
4 - Howl of Energy [V] - Cast this on yourself and you will have extra 50% bonus movement speed, useful in most of modes
5 - White Missile - Throws a homing missile into a target enemy unit, that when reaches him will instantly kill him.
Modes Informations:
Find the Key: In this mode, you should search for a small dropped key in the maze, it might be hard to see, but it can be seen with its bright colour.
The first player who picks the key wins.
Survive the Bombers: In this mode, you should survive the bombers that try to kill you through throwing bombs everywhere, keep running to a not-closed way is the best way to survive.
The last player survives win
Kill the Monsters: In this mode, you should survive the monsters and kill whoever reaches you, before he kill you, kill monsters through the White Missile ability, the last player alive will win!
Kill the Runner: In this mode, you should search and kill a runner, that is very fast and tricky, kill him using the White Missile ability, the first player who kills the runner wins!
Run from Boulders: In this mode, many rock giants will spawn throwing following boulders on you, all you show do is to escape these boulders and survive, the last player alive will win!
Elimination (or Arena): In this mode, you should kill other mazers and survive, you will notice that you wont get the default mazer, you will get a fighter-mazer, kill enemys with his abilitys, be the last one standing to win!
Extra Informations:
-Use only keyboard arrows to move, mouse will not work!
-You cant use mouse to select multiple units, or make the square selection, because of possibilites of cheats
-You cannot view the hitpoints bar, again because of possibility of cheats
-Game can be started only at 15th second, just enough time to read the Important Tips that display in the begin
-If you find any bug, please report it
ok, let the guide begin!
1 - Find the Key:
To be the fastest to reach the key, when the game starts read the possible entrances for the maze, and search for the side that direct you to the maze, after entering the maze, try to look closely for the key, and remember the ways you've walken through, try to use mouse to drag select an area doesnt contain your mazer to search for it, then if it selects a key then the key is in the region you've dragged-selected, now search for the way to reach the key, then pick it and you will win!
2 - Survive the Bombers
The best way to be the last one standing, you should keep moving, if you find a block infront of you, fastly you should use Howl of Energy on yourself and turn back, then search for the exit to dodge easier.
3 - Kill the Runner
In this mode, the best way to get rid of a mazer is by hexing him then throwing the snow ball, but becareful always, if you seek to win, you should early go search for the Runner, he usually runs in random areas in the maze, you may watch a black dot in the minimap, it follows the Runner, the best and easiest way to automatically kill him is by using snowball on him and waiting, then if he get near you hex him for fast kill!
4 - Run from Boulders
You should take care in this mode, because Rock Throwers may spawn anywhere, as soon as they spawn, use Howl of Energy and try to find the exit, if you find a block infront of you, dont turn 180 degrees, to survive, turn 90 degrees then after .5 seconds turn another 90 degrees, that way you will survive, also try to keep the rocks behind you in one way, because they will keep following you till you die, finally you can hex/slow enemys to make them die, but becareful, they may do the same to you!
5 - Kill the Monsters
In this mode, you should be the last one standing, random monsters will spawn everywhere, if anyone attack you, you should kill him with SnowBall, also becareful of bugs following you, slow them if you have a good distance, try to use Howl of Energy to run.
6 - Elimination (or Arena)
In this mode, you should kill other mazers in order to win, the best way is to kill the last guy alive (while surviving), is by going near him, True Insulting him, then attacking him, just before the Insult time finishes go away from him, so that when he hex you, you wont get attacked alot, keep fighting till you win.
*no guide for the new two modes yet, soon there will be.