Color Warz - Dil999
Gameplay: This is a top-view minigame, where you do exatly what the description sais: you must capture as many of the 100 tiles on the map as you can. You can do this with walking over one, or using one of your two abilites. When a round ends, you get points for every tile in your color.
This is a typical showcase of a good minigame. Its quick, simple, yet it could become addictive, if you play with the right friends, and if it'd have a bit more complexity. The only real thing that bugged me was that I was unable to stop/slow the progress of enemy players. But thats just my personal taste. Also, the lack of a reset option at the end of a match, that, in my opinion, is vital to minigames, was missing. 8/10
Terrain: Well, since there isnt any, its 0/10 or 10/10, but mostly, its just 0/0
Cinematics/Texts: Having the same welcoming text apear everytime a new round began first made me think that the system might be bugged, and Im playing the first round again, and again...Well, it just turned out that thats how it should be, since after the 5th round, the game ended, but making 2nd/3rd/4th/5th rounds just having a little reminder and a notice that a new round is begining would ake it much nicer. Also, you cant see what round you are on. Its just a small flaw, but it would, could, and I think should, be in the map...
Multiplay: Well, as I said, if you get the right kind of people, then one session with this map would last for hours... if you'd only add the reset option at the end... As I said, a quick multiplayer minigame without a reset system usually sinks...
Overall: This is an almost perfect example of a quick multi-minigame: Simple, potentialy addictive, and competitive
The only REAL thing missing is the reset system, that would really make this map a killer!
23/30(Terraining rating removed)