And neither is it really good.
Terrain is kinda blunt, I think you could really work on using some more deforms and perhaps filling up terrain a bit more.
some triggering could have been done a bit more proper as well since some actions were not really that well timed.
Other than that, I think you should work on your camera motion, and although placement of camera's was not really bad, motion is essential.
The storyline was average not really good, but neither was it bad.
The one good scene was with the ilidan and the blademaster although it kinda ended poor with just one blow.
The credits camera were really bad, please use another form of credits cause showing the border of an map is not really good and neither is using a random camera really for a cinematic.
all in all I would give it a 6 for the effort, but yet there is enough to improve on, I advice looking at my own cinematic I made a long time ago, you can on the contrary open the map and have a look in the triggers and other stuf if you like.