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Clan Recruitment Section

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Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
Originally by Rules
Advertising a site for promotion only will result in infractions and link removal. Whether or not it is for promotion only is the staff's decision. You are, however, allowed to promote sites through your signature file if the sites are not offending.
Second line.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
Yeah I put a clan recruitment thread for a Historical Mapping clan I'm trying to form in Warcraft Discussion, but no replys yet. I guess not many people are looking there. Which is why I wanted a clan recruitment section. Strictly for clans that have some relation to mapping since this is hiveworkshop.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Yeah I put a clan recruitment thread for a Historical Mapping clan I'm trying to form in Warcraft Discussion, but no replys yet. I guess not many people are looking there. Which is why I wanted a clan recruitment section. Strictly for clans that have some relation to mapping since this is hiveworkshop.
I imagine the people interested in such projects are in the diplo community already.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
I imagine the people interested in such projects are in the diplo community already.

Well your smart. Have you ever been there? ITS PHAIL!!!!!!! Thats why I was a Gwydian/Salarzian when the site existed. GOD DAMMIT GEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I donated 20 bucks and the sites dead in 3 days.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Ya know, a site Clan wouldn't be so bad if we could get enough people. I'm often looking for people to play with, and I'm far too lazy to try and join another community.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
Not a hive clan. That's not practical in my opinion. You'd end up with more people wanting to join than you can handle, then you'd have to have subclans and then there will be leadership issues and such...
Well your smart. Have you ever been there? ITS PHAIL!!!!!!! Thats why I was a Gwydian/Salarzian when the site existed. GOD DAMMIT GEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I donated 20 bucks and the sites dead in 3 days.

That made me lol.
Gwydia/Salazaria went down, and everyone went to Diplo/Gisle. (lolfail @ diplo)

(Back on topic).
A Clan Recruitment section might be cool, but who would look there?
And everyone will want to advertise clan that aren't even made yet.
I think you'd have to throw a mod or two at it, to make sure the clans are made, and people don't spam it.

That or you could get a board on a site such as Diplo, Gisle, Haven, Pollama, etc.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
That made me lol.
Gwydia/Salazaria went down, and everyone went to Diplo/Gisle. (lolfail @ diplo)

(Back on topic).
A Clan Recruitment section might be cool, but who would look there?
And everyone will want to advertise clan that aren't even made yet.
I think you'd have to throw a mod or two at it, to make sure the clans are made, and people don't spam it.

That or you could get a board on a site such as Diplo, Gisle, Haven, Pollama, etc.

My idea, so I'm the mod. Advertising for clans yet to be made is fine, if your legitimately trying to make a clan and you need people then by all means make an ad. I'll delete all spam and delete any ad's that aren't legit. Now....If we can just get the admins to make this happen...
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Not a hive clan. That's not practical in my opinion. You'd end up with more people wanting to join than you can handle, then you'd have to have subclans and then there will be leadership issues and such...
I doubt it. This is a modding community, people don't come here looking for Clans. Besides,a decent sized clan would be nice. You could actually get games going.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
LifeLess is in Hive? Wow... Oh, and I posted this earlier in the Warcraft I, II and III Discussion Thread, they wouldn't let me have it... But I agree a 100% to this, and I really hope the Admins will consider cause' it'll be easier to advertise clans and such.
LifeLess is in Hive? Wow... Oh, and I posted this earlier in the Warcraft I, II and III Discussion Thread, they wouldn't let me have it... But I agree a 100% to this, and I really hope the Admins will
consider cause' it'll be easier to advertise clans and such.

Yep. I'm on TheHelper, Gisle, Diplo (very rarely), and Haven (obviously).


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Yeah I think you're right, PurplePoot.

Offending the staff is not a very good idea. Especially when you're making a request. You're asking the administration team to respond to your suggestion, and at the same time you're offending them. Only an idiot would do that...
Man, if I were still in charge I'd lock this thread and ban it's creator.
But that's just me... [/sarcasm]

In all seriousness, Destroyer25, keep in mind that community forums work best when participants treat their fellow posters with respect and courtesy.

If you showed some respect to the staff, they might return the favor ;)[/hint]
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
So, who else think being mature on an online forum is just stupid??? Please, get a life. People go on the internet to escape having to act mature. Please stop ruining the internet. kthxbai
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
No, not all of us do. Some areas are fun to mess around in; others, such as this one, are at least partially aimed at serious problems and activities (although we do of course have our more casual forums, let alone the fact that the entire site, while not being libertarian, is rather liberal).
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
I think Destroyer25 is a totall moron. You just asked the admins to create this forum for you, asked to be the mod of it, and then insult them all in the same post...wow. Then, you go and say that nobody goes on the internet to act like themselves...ever heard of facebook, twitter, or myspace? Just because its the internet doesnt mean we need new personas. I always act like myself online.

Anyway, on-topic: I, and not Destroyer25, because his arguement is extremely moronic and contradictory, am asking the admins to please, if you have the will and time to do so, implement a Clan Recruitment Forum. While, yes, this is a modding site, it is also a community of people who play Warcraft III, making it an ideal place for people to recruit members into their clan. Along with that, a Hive Clan would actually be a very good idea, and it could become a great clan for people on the Hive to find testers for their games on B.Net. Unlike Destroyer25's stupid comment on how he would like to be the mod of said forum, I think we would need someone who is willing and able to take the Hive and said possible Clan forum seriously. While of course, I would like to be the mod, I think we would need someone whith experience on the Hive, certainly NOT Destroyer25. So, I am just asking you to think about it.
Level 8
Oct 18, 2008
How did I jack your idea? And how am i noob? If anyone here is a noob, its you for being such an idiot in trying to get the admins to make the forum. And, if you like forums where nobody gives a damn and you can just smoke your god damn reefer all day long, theres a little place called the Off-Topic forum. You should check it out... >.>

Off-topic: Is that a porn star in your avatar?
Level 27
May 30, 2007
People go on the internet to escape having to act mature.
Yes, a lot of young people do use the internet for that purpose. At this site however, we have evolved beyond that stage.

As for the suggestion, wouldn't Battle.net be the better place for that?

Feel free to contact me to reopen the thread if your answer to the above question is, "No."
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