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  • Vote for the theme of Hive's HD Modeling Contest #7! Click here to vote! - Please only vote if you plan on participating❗️

Cinematic Theme Poll

What theme you like?

  • Drama

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Science fiction

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • Music video

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
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First off, while Cinematics don't attract enough crowd nowadays, it has to be a mini-cinematic contest, to give this contest its old glory temporarily and refresh the interest.

Secondly, for a mini-cinematic (max duration 7 minutes), these themes sound vague and require loads of work, a fact that deviates from the role of a mini-cinematic. While Music Video would indeed fit the mini- prefix, we have some trouble with control over models' animations.

Thirdly, people showed interest about a battle themed.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Well a battle in some shape of form can be quite a good requirement. I am however fan of making something themed, or correlated to a story (which doesn't have to be long or complex). Having people bash each other on an empty barrens landscape without reasoning for a constructive 5-7 minutes is going to get quite boring in all fairness.

I agree with Pharaoh_ about the fact to create a contest about something that can be made in a reasonable small time frame.
I like themes too, so I was hoping for some battle that takes place in the modern world.

Another good idea would be to utilize a map, just like "The Picture" in the terraining section that plays host to a premade terrain and this is where the actions will be set. Of course you are free to edit the map the way you want, but one has to retain the main aspect (E.g. if there is a hill in the background, leave it untouched). That's just an idea, in order to try an alternative.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
I like themes too, so I was hoping for some battle that takes place in the modern world.

Another good idea would be to utilize a map, just like "The Picture" in the terraining section that plays host to a premade terrain and this is where the actions will be set. Of course you are free to edit the map the way you want, but one has to retain the main aspect (E.g. if there is a hill in the background, leave it untouched). That's just an idea, in order to try an alternative.

I think we should take that idear for now, i got quite an idear. Might i host?
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
I am actually finnishing up a cinematic I made a couple of years ago (but never released), it was the only cinematic next to darkness within that I really finnished past halfway. whilst I work on completing that in the world editor, I am game for a small cinematical contest.

However as always the crowd has to turn up (not making a cinematic and only having 1 competitor).
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
So, is anyone interested in this? I'd like to watch a few more cinematics :)
I'm interested if the theme is "wide enough" so I can create something that is from Warcraft type of universe(medieval + magic).

Future, no, no, no for me. Make the theme wide enough so that people who like to do future cinematics can join but those who want medieval can also join.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Why revolve around a theme if you can revolve around a Genre. Say Thrilling/Mysterious/Adventurous/Explosive/Dramatic/Comical, etc etc.

I would defenitly put a 5-10 minute rule on there. Other than that you just need a couple of basic rules about 3rd party tools/resources etc.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Cinematic Contest #5

Contest information

Map Genre: Mysterious/Adventurous
  • Mysterious - The Cinematic must include A secret/mystery or something unknown.
  • Adventurous- The Cinematic has an exciting experience to it.
Launch date: March 24th
Deadline: April 30th
Size Limit: 30Mb
Length: 5 - 10 min

Cinematic Rules
  1. No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  2. If a submission does not follow the map submission rules the creator will be disqualified.
  3. You must show at least one instance of progression, for example A screenshot.
  4. Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  5. A Judge or any person involved in decision making is not allowed to participate.
  6. Teamwork is not allowed (Testers, Voice actors, musicians are excluded from that rule)
  7. The entry length will not decide the winner, we even state quality above quantity, however a minimum is of 5 minutes is required.
  8. Custom material is allowed but has to be credited.
  9. Your map must be posted (or sent to the respective judge(s)) before the end of the deadline.

Contestants:(not defenitive)
  • Hemlock
  • Vengeancekael
  • Wandering Soul
  • kayS
  • Pharaoh_
  • Bugz
Let me know if you want to sign up for this contest, cause the more souls the sooner we can start making this contest official.

I can have some chats with some old cinematic makers / mappers to help us out.

Voting material:
  • Genre implementation revolves around making sure your cinematic has a mysterious edge to it and has adventurous moments.
  • The cinematic tells the viewer the story that unfolds itself as the cinematic runs. bear in mind character building, plot, predictability.
  • The landscape in the different Scene's, places, worlds are built to create an environment for the cinematic to be played in. The Atmosphere is correctly adjusted to the different elements of the scene and landscape.
  • The Camera displays the various scene's of the cinematic and makes sure that elements of the cinematic are captured correctly for the viewer. motion is used where due to enhance the viewers pleasure.
  • The elements within the cinematic are adjusted(timed) to one another and appear to be controlled. Things like transitions(fadefilters), animations, transmissions, facing, movement are all part of that.
  • Music is used to enhance certain emotion of the cinematic and fits to its scene. Additionally sounds are used where due to amplify or contribute to specific element/happenings in the cinematic.
75% of the result is decided by the judges
25% of the result is decided by the votes (crowd)

  • 50 reputation points
  • 35 reputation points (if enough entries)
  • 20 reputation points (if enough entries)

If you feel certain things should be changed or debated, just discuss/post in this thread.
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Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Sorry for the double post but for a moment I had the idea that a couple of people were interested and had ideas to join. It does not really sound like allot are enthousiastic about my post then considering no one has even replied yet (or did everyone overlook it?).

I am willing to give this a shot (even host and/or enter) as long as their are atleast like 3 other people intrested and willing to join, otherwise this has no purpose and I am investing time for nothing.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
26th march is fine by me as well, perhaps not a bad idea. This gives us a little more time to get people hyped about it ;).

Did you like the post I made so far? feel free over to make any adds or suggestion.
Genre implementation (25pt)
Creativity and innovation (15pt)
Storyline (10pt)
Terrain and Atmosphere (10pt)
Camera placement and motion(10pt)
Precision and Timing (10pt)
Music and sounds (10pt)
Bonus points (10pt)

I'd say remove the "Bonus points" and set Storyline to 15pts and camera placement and motion 15pts, forcing the contestants to focus more on them and not think that OH LOOK I'LL MAKE SOMETHING SPECIAL SO I'LL GET BONUS POINTS.

Also I'm not sure what you mean by Creativity and innovation, I mean it's a cinematic, it's not like they're gonna come up with a completely groundbreaking idea for "cinematics" which are already pretty hard to make in such a simple state right now, I don't think you could go any further that easily.

And raise the size limit to 50MB maybe, some people might wanna use high texture models and multiple soundtracks.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Mmm... Could it be a couple cinematic contest? :D I'm not able to make a plot by my self. :p

Well judging from the cinematic activity I doubt thats a really good idea. I would resort to books or articles, there are loads of stories/scripts written that you could use.

Bonus points are removed, I see your point there. I moved around with points to the different aspects of the cinematic. I updated the thread and also elaborated a bit on each aspect (perhaps that will clarify what creativity and innovation would mean).

I personally think 50MB is really absurdely high for a cinematic that will not last longer than 10 minutes. I've upped it to 30MB, thats really big for a cinematic map (I don't even think there is a noteworthy map that big in my experience).

The updated tread can be found here
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Well the point of the contest is to get some new cinematics out there. however the theme just implies that you have to think about making sure you meet 2 requirements. Essentially you can still make a sci-fi or say fantasy cinematic so i'd say it's still quite open unless people that want to enter want something else. then just let me know.

EDIT: if you are intrested in joining this contest, just post something in here, and ill put you on that list.
Once the list is populated enough we can see if we can officially put this up!
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Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
Drama with battles.

What exactly do you mean by this? would you like the theme to be Drama with Battles?
lets see if we can get some more people excited for this contest, so we can make an official thread about it.
Sadly I still have no word about the prizes, but ill keep you guys updated about that as soon as I get a response.
Here are some edits of mine:

  • Teamwork is not allowed (Testers, Voice actors, musicians are not considered teamwork) -> Music is indeed not a part of teamwork, but Voice Acting is: the vocals will be specifically made for the cinematic. You should remove it from that list.
  • Certain degree to swearing is allowed within the cinematic, but nothing too vulgar, or we will be forced to Disqualify/edit your entry. -> Edit? No, no one will edit anyone's entry. I don't agree with this rule, at all. People hardly find the fine line between what's acceptable and what's not when they are free to "swear" to some unknown extent.
  • The entry length will not decide the winner, we even state quality above quantity. -> You should mention, nonetheless, that the entry should have a minimum length of 5 minutes.

Voting material:

Storyline (15pt -> 20 pt): The cinematic tells the viewer the story that unfolds itself as the cinematic runs. -> I don't think that's the point of the Storyline; this criterium answers to a plain yes or no: "Does the storyline unfold itself?". There are more stuff a judge should be able to say here. Generalize its concept, e.g. how's the storyline, does it look cohesive, does it hide any techniques from its creator that would serve in a plot twist, etc.

The Camera displays the various scene's of the cinematic and makes sure that elements of the cinematic are captured correctly for the viewer. motion is used where due to enhance the viewers pleasure.

Precision and Cinematic handling (15pt): The Cinematic appears as if it was an animated short movie. Elements within the cinematic are adjusted(timed) to one another and don't appear off scene. -> This doesn't make a lot of sense, it's like "Camera placement and motion", only rephrased; I don't think that it actually reckons an extra factor of the cinematic.

Creativity and innovation (5pt): Within the cinematic specific idea's or techniques are used that haven't been shown before. The cinematic has a distinction which makes it unique or memorable. -> I don't agree with this rule either. Forcing contestants to make something memorable is irrational. Creativity is a result of being free to do something yourself, if everything is forced out by the rules, it just makes everything too restricted.

  • 1st: 50 Reputation Points
  • 2nd: 35 Reputation Points
  • 3rd: 20 Reputation Points
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
I changed the phrasing about teamwork.

You are right about the editing, I removed that bit.

The extra information is not for the judges, it's for people that want to make the cinematic. it's a short explanation. if you have a better explanation for storyline let me know (I couldn't come up with a better explanation).

I updated the text about precision and cinematic handling to give you some more insight. They are not the same thing. Camera placement and movement is merely how you capture a scene.
Precision and handling is about what happens in your scene, and how that is controlled and timed (I put timing in there, cause that's one of the VITAL keys to making cinematics).

I removed creativity and innovation. personally I am a big fan of that, but considering you are the second person to put that on the table I left it out and distributed it to storyline material.

The updated post
That looks better. I still disagree with the swearing part to allow it in a contest, considering that the entry should also be following Hive's rules.

As for the storyline, just expand its description regarding the interest it exudes, whether it is too predictable or not, certain keys that would fill the gap of elements from the character's (s') past that we did not initially acknowledge, if it was presented in rush, etc.

Count me in as well.
Level 13
Jun 22, 2004
I removed the part about the swearing (altho I couldn't find that rule in under the map or site rules(might have overlooked)).

I updated the storyline a bit.

Great to hear you are in as well. we have 5 contestants so far, perhaps not a bad idea to start making an official thread, unless people have more additions.
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