- Joined
- Dec 19, 2020
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- 271
I've made a cinematic which has to run when an optional quest has been completed. I have divided the triggers over four triggers. The first two look this way:
Thanks in advance!
I've made a cinematic which has to run when an optional quest has been completed. I have divided the triggers over four triggers. The first two look this way:
Cinematic SetUp2
- Unit - A unit owned by Player 11 (Dark Green) Dies
- (Count structures controlled by Player 11 (Dark Green) (Exclude incomplete structures)) Equal to 0
- Trigger - Turn off (This trigger)
- Cinematic - Fade out over 2.00 seconds using texture White Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Wait 2.00 seconds
- If (Cinematicskipped Equal to True) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
- Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players)
- Camera - Apply Camera 002 <gen> for Player 1 (Red) over 0.00 seconds
- Environment - Set sky to Generic Sky
- Unit - Create 1 Rokaro Fairsight for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Cinematic2 Rokaro <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
- Set FakeRokaro = (Last created unit)
- Unit - Create 1 Gorfax Wolffang for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Cinematic2 Gorfax <gen>) facing 180.00 degrees
- Set FakeGorfax = (Last created unit)
- Unit - Create 1 Zul'Rall for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of Cinematic2 ZulRall A <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
- Set FakeZulRall = (Last created unit)
- Unit - Create 1 Verité Trollhunter for Player 11 (Dark Green) at (Center of Cinematic2 Verite <gen>) facing Default building facing degrees
- Set FakeVerite = (Last created unit)
- Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area)) and do (Unit - Hide (Picked unit))
- Unit - Unhide FakeGorfax
- Unit - Unhide FakeRokaro
- Unit - Unhide FakeVerite
- Unit - Unhide FakeZulRall
- Unit - Pause all units
- Cinematic - Fade in over 2.00 seconds using texture White Mask and color (0.00%, 0.00%, 0.00%) with 0.00% transparency
- Trigger - Run Optionalquest3 Cinematic <gen> (checking conditions)
Optionalquest3 Cinematic
- Events
- Conditions
- Trigger - Turn on Cinematic Skipped 2 <gen>
- If (Cinematicskipped Equal to True) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
- -------- Start of cinematic --------
- Wait 2.00 seconds
- If (Cinematicskipped Equal to True) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeRokaro named Rokaro Fairsight: Play No sound and display How wonderful to se.... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeVerite named Verité Trollhunter: Play No sound and display What do you want or.... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeRokaro named Rokaro Fairsight: Play No sound and display Nothing. The real q.... Modify duration: Add 4.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeVerite named Verité Trollhunter: Play No sound and display If you have come lo.... Modify duration: Add 4.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeZulRall named Zul'Rall: Play No sound and display I didn't come for a.... Modify duration: Add 5.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeVerite named Verité Trollhunter: Play No sound and display Where are you waiti.... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeGorfax named Gorfax Wolffang: Play No sound and display She is right. Just .... Modify duration: Add 4.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeZulRall named Zul'Rall: Play No sound and display Allright. Any last .... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeVerite named Verité Trollhunter: Play No sound and display Yes. I regret that .... Modify duration: Add 6.00 seconds and Wait
- Unit - Unpause FakeZulRall
- Animation - Play FakeZulRall's Attack - 1 animation
- Animation - Play FakeVerite's Death animation
- Animation - Play FakeZulRall's Stand animation
- Unit - Pause FakeZulRall
- Animation - Play FakeVerite's Dissipate animation
- Unit - Remove FakeVerite from the game
- Unit - Unpause FakeZulRall
- Unit - Order FakeZulRall to Move To (Center of Cinematic Zul 1B <gen>)
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeRokaro named Rokaro Fairsight: Play No sound and display That's done.. Modify duration: Add 2.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeZulRall named Zul'Rall: Play No sound and display Yes. My tribe has b.... Modify duration: Add 6.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeRokaro named Rokaro Fairsight: Play No sound and display No thanks. Let's co.... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeGorfax named Gorfax Wolffang: Play No sound and display Are you still aidin.... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Cinematic - Send transmission to (All players) from FakeZulRall named Zul'Rall: Play No sound and display Ya mon. Let us proc.... Modify duration: Add 3.00 seconds and Wait
- Wait 2.00 seconds
- If (Cinematicskipped Equal to True) then do (Skip remaining actions) else do (Do nothing)
- -------- End of cinematic --------
- Trigger - Turn off Cinematic Skipped 2 <gen>
- Trigger - Run Cinematic CleanUp2 <gen> (checking conditions)
Thanks in advance!