scope SubwayQuest initializer init
public trigger array Quest
public boolean array Started
public boolean array Finished
private function PingIt takes nothing returns boolean
if GetDestructableTypeId(GetFilterDestructable()) == 'DTlv' then
call PingMinimapForPlayer( GetOwningPlayer(TEMP), GetDestructableX(GetFilterDestructable()), GetDestructableY(GetFilterDestructable()), 10 )
return false
function AreHavensUnlocked takes nothing returns boolean
return IsTriggerEnabled(TPHaven4th_Trigger[0]) and IsTriggerEnabled(TPHaven5th_Trigger[0]) and IsTriggerEnabled(TPHaven8th_Trigger[0]) and IsTriggerEnabled(TPHaven12th_Trigger[0]) and IsTriggerEnabled(TPHaven14th_Trigger[0])
private function Actions2 takes nothing returns boolean
local integer id = GetPlayerId(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))
if RectContainsUnit(gg_rct_BishopHome, Bishop) and GetTriggerUnit() == Slayer[id] and Started[id] and not(IsUnitType(Bishop, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or Finished[id] or AreHavensUnlocked()) then
set Finished[id] = true
call ClearScreenForce(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[3])
if not(IsUnitInGroup(Bishop, inBattle) or IsUnitInGroup(Slayer[id], inBattle))then
call CinematicModeExBJ( true, bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id], 0.8 )
call TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ( bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id], Bishop, "|cffaca899BISHOP|r", null, "You have cut off the network that moves them, and sealed them above the surface. Because of that they will grow weaker, but stopping them there is only the beginning. We must perservere in deterring their movements; Never give up.", bj_TIMETYPE_SET, 15.00, true )
call CinematicModeExBJ( false, bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id], 0.8 )
call DisplayTextToPlayer( Player(3), 0, 0, "|cffaca899BISHOP|r: You have cut off the network that moves them, and sealed them above the surface. Because of that they will grow weaker, but stopping them there is only the beginning. We must perservere in deterring their movements; Never give up." )
call SetPlayerState(Player(id), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER, GetPlayerState(Player(id), PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER) + 15 )
call DisplayColoredTagTarget(GetTriggerUnit(), "+15")
return false
private function Actions1 takes nothing returns boolean
local integer id = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
if RectContainsUnit(gg_rct_BishopHome, Slayer[id]) and not(IsUnitType(Bishop, UNIT_TYPE_DEAD) or Started[id])then
if GetHeroLevel(Lieutenant) > 4 then
set Started[id] = true
call ClearScreenForce(bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id])
if not(IsUnitInGroup(Bishop, inBattle) or IsUnitInGroup(Slayer[id], inBattle))then
call CinematicModeExBJ( true, bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id], 0.8 )
call TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ( bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id], Bishop, "|cffaca899BISHOP|r", null, "The underground tunnels that connect the city were forged with the coal powered locomotive in mind. It's quite the ingenious device. Still the tunnels have given rise to the underground havens, where the vampires hide from the sun while moving around the city. Close off every haven and return to me with them all closed. Cut off their network and you wil effectively leave them hindred.", bj_TIMETYPE_SET, 15.00, true )
call CinematicModeExBJ( false, bj_FORCE_PLAYER[id], 0.8 )
set TEMP = Slayer[id]
call EnumDestructablesInRect( bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, function PingIt, null )
call DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(id), 0, 0, "|cffaca899BISHOP|r: The underground tunnels that connect the city were forged with the coal powered locomotive in mind. It's quite the ingenious device. Still the tunnels have given rise to the underground havens, where the vampires hide from the sun while moving around the city. Close off every haven and return to me with them all closed. Cut off their network and you wil effectively leave them hindred." )
if Quest[2] == null then
set Quest[2] = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterEnterRectSimple( Quest[2], gg_rct_BishopHome )
call TriggerAddCondition( Quest[2], function Actions2 )
call DisplayTextToPlayer(Player(id), 0, 0, "|cffaca899BISHOP|r: Your heart is willing, but your body is weak. Ask again when you've reached level 5." )
return false
public function init takes nothing returns nothing
local integer i = 0
set Quest[1] = CreateTrigger()
exitwhen i > 11
call TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent( Quest[1], Player(i), "-subway", true )
set i = i + 1
call TriggerAddAction( Quest[1], function Actions1 )