Hey there.
Today I worked on a system, and it's nearly done apart from one feature.
I quickly try to explain how the system should work:
In a GUI trigger I queue a few Camera, Transmission and other things. Then after queuing them I start the system that will run all the queued actions for the player resulting in a transmission with camera movement. If the transmission is done, or if the player presses ESC during the transmission it should continue with the remaining commands in the GUI trigger.
So what the GUI should do in short:
1) Queue actions
2) Start the cinematic
3) Wait till it's over or ESC is pressed
4) continue with some other actions
I noticed that I can only 'pause' the GUI trigger by using waits. (Or is there a better solution) That's why I created a small function that basically loops a few waits after eachother to keep checking if in the meanwhile ESC has been pressed or not.
Here are my triggers:
Currently the wait is taking too long and when I press ESC my cinematic immediatelly stops (so that's good) but for some reason the waits still keep running because the functions that are supposed to come after the wait (in the GUI trigger) are still taking some time to trigger.
So the waits are very inaccurate.
There might be more (minor) flaws with the way I made the system. But you have to know that I'm not a very experienced coder or anything. I just want it to work and be leakless. I do know there's (quite some) red text, but for now I want to keep that here because I want to make the system perfect some other time. For now I just want it to work the way I want and I don't really care much about the beauty/speed flaws.
So is there anyone that has an idea how to get what I want?
Today I worked on a system, and it's nearly done apart from one feature.
I quickly try to explain how the system should work:
In a GUI trigger I queue a few Camera, Transmission and other things. Then after queuing them I start the system that will run all the queued actions for the player resulting in a transmission with camera movement. If the transmission is done, or if the player presses ESC during the transmission it should continue with the remaining commands in the GUI trigger.
So what the GUI should do in short:
1) Queue actions
2) Start the cinematic
3) Wait till it's over or ESC is pressed
4) continue with some other actions
I noticed that I can only 'pause' the GUI trigger by using waits. (Or is there a better solution) That's why I created a small function that basically loops a few waits after eachother to keep checking if in the meanwhile ESC has been pressed or not.
Here are my triggers:
library QuestInteraction initializer init
///Overall Globals///
boolean array QI_InProgress[8]
boolean array QI_EscPressed[8]
integer array QI_id[8]
string array QI_Type[8][99]
real array QI_Duration[8]
real array QI_Timing[8][99]
///Transmission Globals///
unit array QI_Speaker[8][99]
string array QI_SpeakerName[8][99]
string array QI_Text[8][99]
real array QI_TextDur[8][99]
///Camera Globals///
camerasetup array QI_Cam[8][99]
real array QI_CamMoveTime[8][99]
real array QI_CamDur[8][99]
///Unit Order Globals///
unit array QI_OrderUnit[8][99]
widget array QI_OrderTarget[8][99]
real array QI_OrderX[8][99]
real array QI_OrderY[8][99]
string array QI_OrderType[8][99]
private struct Data
player p
integer id
real time
static integer array Ar
static integer Total = 0
static group g = CreateGroup()
static timer Time = CreateTimer()
static force Force = CreateForce()
static method create takes player p returns Data
local Data Dat = Data.allocate()
local integer i = 0
set Dat.p = p
set Dat.id = GetPlayerId(p)
set Dat.time = 0.
call ForceAddPlayer(Dat.Force, Dat.p)
call ShowInterfaceForceOff(Dat.Force, QI_Duration[Dat.id])
call CinematicModeExBJ(true, Dat.Force, 0.1)
set QI_InProgress[Dat.id] = true
set QI_EscPressed[Dat.id] = false
call HideBar(p)
call PauseUnit(PlayerHero[Dat.id], true)
exitwhen i > 8
if GetPlayerAlliance(p, Player(i), ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) == true then
call SetPlayerAlliance(p, Player(i), ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, false)
call SetPlayerAlliance(Player(i), p, ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, false)
set i = i + 1
if Dat.Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(Dat.Time,.05,true,function Data.Loop)
set Dat.Ar[Dat.Total] = Dat
set Dat.Total = Dat.Total + 1
return Dat
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Data Dat
local integer i = 0
local integer id
exitwhen i >= Dat.Total
set Dat = Dat.Ar[i]
set id = 0
exitwhen id > QI_id[Dat.id]
if QI_Timing[Dat.id][id] == Dat.time then
if QI_Type[Dat.id][id] == "Trans" then
call TransmissionFromUnitWithNameBJ(Dat.Force, QI_Speaker[Dat.id][id], QI_SpeakerName[Dat.id][id], null, QI_Text[Dat.id][id], bj_TIMETYPE_SET, QI_TextDur[Dat.id][id], false)
set QI_Speaker[Dat.id][id] = null
set QI_SpeakerName[Dat.id][id] = ""
set QI_Text[Dat.id][id] = ""
set QI_TextDur[Dat.id][id] = 0.
elseif QI_Type[Dat.id][id] == "Camera" then
call CameraSetupApplyForPlayer(true, QI_Cam[Dat.id][id], Dat.p, QI_CamMoveTime[Dat.id][id])
set QI_Cam[Dat.id][id] = null
set QI_CamMoveTime[Dat.id][id] = 0.
elseif QI_Type[Dat.id][id] == "Order" and QI_OrderTarget[Dat.id][id] == null and QI_OrderX[Dat.id][id] == 0. and QI_OrderY[Dat.id][id] == 0. then
call IssueImmediateOrder(QI_OrderUnit[Dat.id][id], QI_OrderType[Dat.id][id])
set QI_OrderUnit[Dat.id][id] = null
set QI_OrderType[Dat.id][id] = ""
elseif QI_Type[Dat.id][id] == "Order" and QI_OrderTarget[Dat.id][id] == null then
call IssuePointOrder(QI_OrderUnit[Dat.id][id], QI_OrderType[Dat.id][id], QI_OrderX[Dat.id][id], QI_OrderY[Dat.id][id])
set QI_OrderUnit[Dat.id][id] = null
set QI_OrderType[Dat.id][id] = ""
set QI_OrderX[Dat.id][id] = 0.
set QI_OrderY[Dat.id][id] = 0.
elseif QI_Type[Dat.id][id] == "Order" then
call IssueTargetOrder(QI_OrderUnit[Dat.id][id], QI_OrderType[Dat.id][id], QI_OrderTarget[Dat.id][id])
set QI_OrderUnit[Dat.id][id] = null
set QI_OrderType[Dat.id][id] = ""
set QI_OrderTarget[Dat.id][id] = null
set id = id + 1
set Dat.time = Dat.time + .05
if Dat.time >= QI_Duration[Dat.id] or QI_EscPressed[Dat.id] == true then
set QI_id[Dat.id] = 0
call ShowInterfaceForceOn(Dat.Force, 1.)
call CinematicModeExBJ(false, Dat.Force, 0.1)
set QI_Duration[Dat.id] = 0.
call LockCameraUnit(Dat.p,PlayerHero[Dat.id])
call ShowBar(Dat.p)
set id = 0
exitwhen id > 8
if GetPlayerAlliance(Dat.p, Player(id), ALLIANCE_PASSIVE) == true then
call SetPlayerAlliance(Dat.p, Player(id), ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, true)
call SetPlayerAlliance(Player(id), Dat.p, ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION, true)
set id = id + 1
call ForceRemovePlayer(Dat.Force, Dat.p)
call PauseUnit(PlayerHero[Dat.id], false)
set QI_InProgress[Dat.id] = false
set QI_EscPressed[Dat.id] = false
set Dat.Total = Dat.Total - 1
set Dat.Ar[i] = Dat.Ar[Dat.Total]
set i = i - 1
call Dat.destroy()
set i = i + 1
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
set .p = null
function AddUnitOrder takes player p, unit u, string order, widget t, real x, real y, real timing returns nothing
local integer id = GetPlayerId(p)
set QI_OrderUnit[id][QI_id[id]] = u
set QI_OrderType[id][QI_id[id]] = order
set QI_OrderX[id][QI_id[id]] = x
set QI_OrderY[id][QI_id[id]] = y
set QI_OrderTarget[id][QI_id[id]] = t
set QI_Timing[id][QI_id[id]] = timing
set QI_Type[id][QI_id[id]] = "Order"
set QI_id[id] = QI_id[id] + 1
function AddTransmission takes player p, unit u, string name, string text, real duration, real timing returns nothing
local integer id = GetPlayerId(p)
set QI_Speaker[id][QI_id[id]] = u
set QI_SpeakerName[id][QI_id[id]] = name
set QI_Text[id][QI_id[id]] = text
set QI_TextDur[id][QI_id[id]] = duration
set QI_Timing[id][QI_id[id]] = timing
set QI_Type[id][QI_id[id]] = "Trans"
set QI_id[id] = QI_id[id] + 1
function AddCamera takes player p, camerasetup cam, real movetime, real duration, real timing returns nothing
local integer id = GetPlayerId(p)
set QI_Cam[id][QI_id[id]] = cam
set QI_CamDur[id][QI_id[id]] = duration
set QI_CamMoveTime[id][QI_id[id]] = movetime
set QI_Timing[id][QI_id[id]] = timing
set QI_Type[id][QI_id[id]] = "Camera"
set QI_Duration[id] = QI_Duration[id] + duration
set QI_id[id] = QI_id[id] + 1
function AddAdvancedWait takes player p, real time returns nothing
local real timeleft = time
local integer id = GetPlayerId(p)
exitwhen timeleft <= 0.
if QI_EscPressed[id] == true then
set timeleft = 0.
set timeleft = timeleft - 0.50
call TriggerSleepAction(0.50)
/// This makes the entire interaction event roll ///
function QIStart takes player p returns nothing
local Data Dat
call UnlockCamera(p)
set Dat = Data.create(p)
private function ESC takes nothing returns boolean
local integer id = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
if QI_InProgress[id] == true then
set QI_EscPressed[id] = true
return false
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
local integer index = 0
exitwhen index >= bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(trig, Player(index), EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC)
set index = index + 1
call TriggerAddCondition(trig, Condition(function ESC))
set trig = null
Anna 5 Fleshy Constructs
- Unit - A unit Is issued an order targeting an object
- (Issued order) Equal to (Order(attack))
- ((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
- (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Not equal to Player 10 (Light Blue)
- ((Triggering unit) belongs to an ally of Player 10 (Light Blue)) Equal to True
- (Target unit of issued order) Equal to Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: local player p = GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit())
- Custom script: local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- ((Triggering unit) is in (Units within 200.00 of (Position of (Target unit of issued order)))) Equal to False
Then - Actions
- Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Move To (Position of (Target unit of issued order))
- Skip remaining actions
- Else - Actions
If - Conditions
- Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Stop
- Custom script: call SetUnitFacingTimed(GetTriggerUnit(), ABPXY(GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit()), GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit()), GetUnitX(GetOrderTargetUnit()), GetUnitY(GetOrderTargetUnit())), 0.5)
- Custom script: call SetUnitFacingTimed(GetTriggerUnit(), ABPXY(GetUnitX(GetOrderTargetUnit()), GetUnitY(GetOrderTargetUnit()), GetUnitX(GetTriggerUnit()), GetUnitY(GetTriggerUnit())), 0.5)
- Custom script: set udg_QuestGiver[GetPlayerId(p)] = GetOrderTargetUnit()
- -------- ------------------- --------
- -------- Start Quest! --------
- -------- ------------------- --------
- -------- if GetQuestState(u,5)==0 and IsQuestReqComplete(u,7,2) == true and udg_MissionStatus[GetPlayerId(p)] == 0 then --------
- Custom script: if GetQuestState(u,5)==0 and udg_MissionStatus[GetPlayerId(p)] == 0 then
- -------- Transmission Queue --------
- Set TempString = Welcome back friend.
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 2.00, 0.00)
- Set TempString = As of late, a necromancer has moved in on us toward the east. We have no clue of his intentions or whether he serves the Defilers; but we do know that he poses a great threat.
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 11.00, 2.00)
- Set TempString = Captain Harius isn't even doing anything against it which makes me sick! Look at the amount of Skeletal Beasts crawling around in this area! It has to stop!
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 8.00, 13.00)
- Set TempString = However... The necromancer's latest works, dubbed as Rotten Horrors, are beastly masses of flesh and steel. They are even more dangerous then the Skeletal Beasts.
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 9.00, 21.00)
- Set TempString = In order to keep this place secure, I need you to slaughter 7 of those Rotten Horrors for me.|nStrike quickly my friend!
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 5.00, 30.00)
- -------- Camera Queue --------
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_AnnaSkysong, 1., 3., 0.)
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_SkeletalBeast, 3., 5., 3.)
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_Scorchfield_Camp, 3., 5., 8.)
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_Scorchfield_Camp2, 3., 5., 13.)
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_RottenHorror, 8., 10., 18.)
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_SkeletalBeast, 3., 4., 28.)
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_MayaOathCam, 2., 3., 32.)
- -------- EndofQueue --------
- Custom script: call QIStart(p)
- -------- ------------------- --------
- -------- After the Quest Interaction --------
- -------- ------------------- --------
- Custom script: call AddAdvancedWait(p, 35.)
- Custom script: call StartQuest(u, 5)
- Custom script: call CreateQuestEffect(Player(GetPlayerId(p)), 15)
- -------- ------------------- --------
- -------- Quest Done? --------
- -------- ------------------- --------
- Custom script: elseif GetQuestState(u,5) ==2 then
- -------- Transmission Queue --------
- Set TempString = Thanks again.
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 2.00, 0.00)
- Set TempString = Today you've proven Gryphonwing a great favor. Take this as your reward.
- Set TempUnit = Anna Skysong 0365 <gen>
- Custom script: call AddTransmission(p, udg_TempUnit, "Anna Skysong", udg_TempString, 4.00, 2.00)
- -------- Camera Queue --------
- Custom script: call AddCamera(p, gg_cam_MayaOathCam, 2., 6., 0.)
- -------- EndofQueue --------
- Custom script: call QIStart(p)
- -------- ------------------- --------
- -------- After the Quest Interaction --------
- -------- ------------------- --------
- Custom script: call AddAdvancedWait(p, 6.)
- Custom script: call CompleteReq(u, 5, 2)
- Custom script: call FinishQuest(u, 5)
- Custom script: if GetQuestState(u,16)==0 and IsQuestReqComplete(u,15,2) == true and IsQuestReqComplete(u,5,2) == true then
- Custom script: call CreateQuestEffect(Player(GetPlayerId(p)), 16)
- Custom script: endif
- -------- Rewards! --------
- Custom script: call CreateXPReward(u, 167)
- Custom script: call CreateReward(u, 180., 'I003', 'I00L', 'I026', 0, 0, 0)
- Custom script: endif
- -------- ------------------ --------
- -------- UNPAUSE --------
- -------- ------------------ --------
- Custom script: set p = null
- Custom script: set u = null
So the waits are very inaccurate.
There might be more (minor) flaws with the way I made the system. But you have to know that I'm not a very experienced coder or anything. I just want it to work and be leakless. I do know there's (quite some) red text, but for now I want to keep that here because I want to make the system perfect some other time. For now I just want it to work the way I want and I don't really care much about the beauty/speed flaws.
So is there anyone that has an idea how to get what I want?
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