Oh boy, here I go! [Wow, everyone here has a lot of rep xD]
It would be nice if it was a bit shorter cinematic this time but with more focus on making it look really good.
This was something Wc3c did with their first Cinematic Contest where it was a 2 minute hero battle. I think we should try something in the same style, but perhaps not exactly a "hero battle".
Yes, that is definitely a sure thing. Which one would you prefer, 4 minutes or 5 minutes as the limit? Or is that too long/short. Really, many masterpieces can be made with those minutes.
The Spirit of Vengeance, TheGreatNoob's Fury... Awesome.
Me and wolve were discussing another cinematic contest a while ago. One idea was that we take Mini-Mes template idea from the Mini TD contest, and have a basic terrain, with maybe a few basic triggers and such to start the creator off, and get people to make a cinematic out of it.
But yea, I agree with ragingspeedhorn that we should aim to get short but good entries.
Hum. Sounds kind of good. I don't think I should make a template though due to size and tileset specifics, but I can always create template
How about "rivalry" as a theme. There would be many possibilities, but the main point would be that there are two persons, rivals, competing. It could be in a battle, sport, pie eating, anything

. The lenght should be limited, lets say 4 minutes max.
Too close to revenge IMO... 4 sounds good, but 5 does too.
Dunno, sounds too close to the "revenge" theme that blizz had a while back.
Yea, same here.
I like the "rivalry" thing though it is somehow close to the "revenge" theme. But we could specify it a bit more perhaps in some way.
Yes, but specifying, of course, will lead to a very less vague theme, and no one would have any creative ideas/no one would enter.
If it's four minutes max I might be able to pull it off even though I have studies now. A 20 minute cinematic is out of the guestion for me. Depends on the theme can I make something. Maybe a drama cinematic.
Cool. Remember, 20 minutes was just the max. Not how long it was supposed to be or it wasn't what I preferred either. Hm... I was mainly thinking that most of these stuff would be battles because 4 minutes it kind of small for drama.
It will definetly not be another long cinematic, the next one will evolve around a shorter and more "action packed" theme somehow where the emphasis will be upon a lot of detail but not that long a cinematic.
Yup, it won't be. Yea, that is what I think it should be. "action packed"
Agreed, guys. Imposing a time limitation would:
- Level the playing field for all participants: no one could get extra points for a cinematic that goes onandonandonandon...
- Promote quality work: with limited time, each entry should have a lot of "bang for the buck."
Any theme requiring the creation of an action-packed battle scene would probably be fairly popular.
1. Yup!
2. Yea, then people will have more time to make those minutes perfect instead of worrying about 20 minutes being perfect.
Yea, I love watching battles. Rofl... I wish someone would make a cinematic contest #3 so I could join. Maybe I'll make a request to someone and give a template and layout and BBCode and everything. But that is something for the third one. (Yes, I do intend on continuing these series for quite a while, the cinematic spirit has really gone down ever since around 2005-2006 when the huge cinematic projects were up)
@Wolve: What is Jaako's icon a picture of? Sorry, I can't interpret what it is... But it looks nice.