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- Aug 13, 2013
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Hello hivers, I'm practicing now a Structs in vJASS and I understand them, but Is this code is right?
Tell me I did miss something in the code or mistakes in this code:
Demo Code:
Suggestions is appreciated ^^
Tell me I did miss something in the code or mistakes in this code:
Demo Code:
library FireBlow initializer Init
private hashtable hash = InitHashtable ( )
private constant integer ABILITY_ID = 'A000'
private constant integer MISSILE_ID = 'u000'
private constant string EXPLOSION_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\FlakCannons\\FlakTarget.mdl"
private function GetMissileDamage takes integer lvl returns real
return 100. * lvl
private function GetMissileSpeed takes integer lvl returns real
return 10. + 5. * lvl
private function GetMissileDetectTarget takes nothing returns real
return 50.00
private struct SpellData
unit caster
unit target
unit missile
real speed
real detect
real damage
real castX
real castY
integer level
// Spell Loop //
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tmr = GetExpiredTimer ( )
local SpellData this = LoadInteger ( hash, 0, GetHandleId ( tmr ) )
local real missileX = GetUnitX ( this.missile )
local real missileY = GetUnitY ( this.missile )
local real targX = GetUnitX ( this.target )
local real targY = GetUnitY ( this.target )
local real angle = Atan2( targY - missileY, targX - missileX )
local real distance = SquareRoot ( ( targX - missileX ) * ( targX - missileX ) + ( targY - missileY ) * ( targY - missileY ) )
local real mx = missileX + this.speed * Cos ( angle )
local real my = missileY + this.speed * Sin ( angle )
call SetUnitX ( this.missile, mx )
call SetUnitY ( this.missile, my )
call SetUnitFacing ( this.missile, angle * bj_RADTODEG )
if distance <= this.detect then
call KillUnit ( this.missile )
call UnitDamageTarget ( this.caster, this.target, this.damage, true, false, ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS, DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL, null )
call this.destroy()
call PauseTimer(tmr)
call DestroyTimer(tmr)
set tmr = null
set tmr = null
static method create takes unit u, unit targ, integer lvl returns SpellData
local timer tmr = CreateTimer()
local SpellData this = SpellData.allocate()
local real angle2
local real targX2
local real targY2
set this.caster = u
set this.target = targ
set this.level = lvl
set this.castX = GetUnitX ( this.caster )
set this.castY = GetUnitY ( this.caster )
set this.speed = GetMissileSpeed(this.level)
set this.damage = GetMissileDamage(this.level)
set this.detect = GetMissileDetectTarget()
set targX2 = GetUnitX ( this.target )
set targY2 = GetUnitY ( this.target )
set angle2 = Atan2 ( targY2 - this.castY, targX2 - this.castX )
set this.missile = CreateUnit ( GetOwningPlayer ( this.caster ), MISSILE_ID, this.castX, this.castY, angle2 * bj_RADTODEG )
call SaveInteger ( hash, 0, GetHandleId(tmr), this )
call TimerStart ( tmr, 0.03125000, true, function SpellData.Loop )
set tmr = null
return this
// Spell Execution //
private function Action takes nothing returns boolean
local unit cast
local unit targ
if GetSpellAbilityId() == ABILITY_ID then
set cast = GetTriggerUnit ( )
set targ = GetSpellTargetUnit ( )
call SpellData.create(cast,targ,GetUnitAbilityLevel(cast,ABILITY_ID))
set cast = null
set targ = null
return false
// Spell Initialization //
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger trig = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( trig, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
call TriggerAddCondition( trig, Condition ( function Action ) )
Suggestions is appreciated ^^