ArchEnemy: To win Chapter I, you have to kill all of Luthor's men. Just killing Luther alone isn't enough. I didn't really know much about AI stuff when I made Chapter I so I might have to work on that a bit still to make sure that all of Hector's men get in the fight, rather than waiting around when they can't see anyone nearby.
I'm not really 100% sure which comma you're talking about. If you mean the one included in the spell incantation, then it's definitely right.
Here's some tips for beating Chapter IV and getting to camp in one piece:
- Don't leave Kitharsis behind. He can't beat anything alone, and all the Void Children are out to get him specifically. So make sure he's guarded, and stay close to the other heroes. What I usually do is have Kitharsis right-click on either Soul Reaver or Clutchfiend, so he'll follow them, and then have Fei right click on Kitharsis so Fei follows HIM. That way, I can move forward with Soul Reaver and Clutchfiend, but guard Kith at the same time. If Kitharsis gets attacked from behind unexpectedly, Fei can hold off the attacks long enough for Soul Reaver and Clutchfiend to come and help. And since Fei is the fastest-moving hero, he can run to help Soul Reaver and Clutchfiend quickly if they're in trouble. Alternatively, summon some Daemons or an Abysall Mass to guard the rear and serve as early warning in case of trouble.
- Don't keep Kitharsis TOO close to the heroes. His AI will get him into trouble otherwise, and the Shadow Lightning that the Void Child Fears fire will damage him. Keep a respectable distance from any fighting if possible, and don't get surrounded. If you do get attacked and no help is in sight, use the Bag of Sand and/or the Rage Axes and hope for the best.
- Learn when to move and when to rest. The 'random' Void Children attack in waves, but at first these waves appear quite some time apart. When a wave attacks, and you're ready for them, you should be able to beat them and then rest. This is your best bet for getting HP and MP back. Don't wait too long after a wave to rest, or you might get attacked while sleeping. Just don't spend TOO much time resting, since the random Void Child waves will start appearing faster and faster as time goes by... eventually you won't be able to rest at all anymore. So if you're still in acceptable health and mana, keep moving forward...
- ...EXCEPT if there's a huge fight ahead. Learn where the spots are where you get attacked by massive forces of pre-placed Void Children. In those cases, it's best to wait before the fight for the random wave of Void Children, beat them, rest (if needed) and THEN attack. That way you'll be able to fight the pre-placed Void Children well-prepared, and won't suddenly have to deal with random Void Children reinforcements.
- Finally, use your abilities. The Void Children aren't just Dharuk. They are very, very tough. The random groups should be enough to beat with just 'normal' abilities if they attack alone, but large groups will call for one or even more Ultimates. You have 6 at your disposal now - use them! And don't forget your items either - they're not as great as they once were, but they still pack a wallop... and without costing you any valuable mana.
And no, I don't plan on making Chapter V harder than IV.
EDIT: Screwed up some of the names earlier. Geeze, I can't even remember my own characters now. I guess it must be because it's late and I was tired.