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Changing Buildings

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Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Basically, I am having difficulty regarding something that may be deemed as simple. I want to make it so that you are able to change a building to a different unit so that it is then able to be moved. I don't want the Uproot ability as this just makes it so the building itself can move, without changing the model or anything. I have tried the most obvious solution (the Bear Form ability), but there's a problem with it: the Rally Point. Every time you try to move the now mobile building, it wants to reset the Rally Point. Also, when you bring it back, if memory serves it maintains the stop ability. If the latter is not true, then the real issue is that you are not actually selecting the location you want the building to be (as in the Uproot/Root ability).

Well, if someone is able to show me a way to solve this OR a way to change the model of a building that is uprooted, then I'd be very grateful.
Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
Sorry, but I don't really get what you meant when you said the (Up)Root ability wouldn't work.

As for the Rally Point resetting: Before moving the building, save the position of the Rally Point to a Point Variable (e.g. RallyPos). When the unit is in place again to have a rally point, set the Rally Point to RallyPos and you're done.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
Sorry, but I don't really get what you meant when you said the (Up)Root ability wouldn't work.

What I mean is that the uproot ability depends on the units model. Take the Ancient of War. When uprooted, it switches to its alternate animation list, which is a walking Ancient of War capable of attacking and eating trees. The model I'm using, however, has no such animation compatabilities. What I'm trying to do is create the effect of the building packing up (I don't care about in between animations, just that it gets to the resulting unit).

As for the Rally Point resetting: Before moving the building, save the position of the Rally Point to a Point Variable (e.g. RallyPos). When the unit is in place again to have a rally point, set the Rally Point to RallyPos and you're done.

What I mean is that I want to move the now packed building, but when I right-click, instead of moving to the point, it wants to set the rally-point there. Besides which, simply changing the unit type isn't going to solve the problem, unfortunately, as I want the effect to be that of the Uproot ability (you choose a location to Root again with a nice picture of the building itself giving you guidance). So I guess what I'm really asking is if it's possible to Uproot a building so that it becomes a different unit or just uses a different model (if it's possible to change unit models via triggers, which I don't think it is, but some one might know differently).
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