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Change armor damage reduction formular?

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Level 2
Jun 17, 2010
So I'm messing around with the editor and I'm trying to change how the armor damage reduction system works. To be specific, I'm trying to make a system similar to or the same as the WoW system.

At the moment it looks like I have a bit of work to do but if anyone has any ideas on how to do this (if it is even possible) I would appreciate any kind of help.

The armor damage reduction formular for WoW looks something like this:

Pre-60: DR % = (Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85*Level)
Post-60: DR % = Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85 * (Level + 4.5 * (Level - 59)

If you need more info, please let me know.
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