Smite the child that uses black outlines...
Please, never use black to outline key points of shading. It is a BAD BAD thing to do, as it makes the game look like a flat cartoon. All aspects of it look flat, boring and cartoony.
Your shading is minimal, and is therefore causing this flat and boring aspect. work on making something like this much more dynamic, and interesting for the player to see.
The fade filter used to mimic a swords shine is so anti-dynamic its painful to look at. Have a shine stripe fly along the sword and not a magical white circle cloud, jump across it. And in all honesty, that sword should be your main cursor. The horseshoe is hard to play with and confuses me on where my cursor is actually pointing.
All in all, Much more effort is needed to be put into this. You need to have a lot more shading and dynamics. Id suggest looking up any of the tutorials we have here on the site. Good luck, hope to see you improve.