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Caracter voices

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Level 1
Jun 21, 2004
Well i dint know where 2 go with my troubles so i came here :roll:
Everyone here seems to be more about new spells, icons, skins etc. But the thing id like 2 know is if there`s a tool with what 2 extract all the caracter voices. U know with ones i mean dont u.
All those hilarious things the caracters say by clicking on them multiple times.
I`d really like 2 get those in a mp3 format so i could listen 2 then when ever i wish :lol:
man that would be fun.
So thats my point, does anyone know a way or a tool of some sort or so?
that would be helpful
tnx 4 the attencion!! :p :p
Level 1
Jun 21, 2004
sound editor huh? well thanx mate .. if you`d set me off 2 the right direction from where 2 get smth like that id be a million buks and even more! 8)

U know i aint that bright .. lo .. i should put that as my avatar dont you think :D
Level 13
May 5, 2004
Sorry, can't post an image, but I think this description should work (else wait for image):

when you opened WE and a map, look upside there's a sound symbol which opens the sound editor (or simply press F5)

There you'll find a list on the left where you can select the sounds, for example


Select the sound and export it by clicking on the symbol for exporting or simply press ctrl+E
Level 1
Jun 21, 2004
what software did u have in mind .. everything else seems 2 be quite tasty ..
by that i mean - i need the exact name of the program
or a link where to get it ..
tnx again .. 4 the inconvinience
PEACE! all is fair in war a nd warcraft :p
Level 13
Jan 9, 2004
You don't need a program to extract the sound files. You just need a full version of Warcraft III. Just go into the World Editor (usually its in C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\World Editor.exe). Than open the Sound Editor (look at DarkShadow's post above^^) and go to the units. All the sounds that end in Pissed are the ones they say when they are clicked a lot.
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