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Can't compile the map anymore

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Level 8
Jun 13, 2008
hi....I'm having a trouble which i couldn't figure out.
i cannot save my map...jasshelper always finds stuffs like syntax error or variable name redeclaration but i know its impossible since I'd saved the exact same map with exact same codes without any changes...kept it as it was...have no clue what causes this problem.
Tried different patch versions to save but didn't work either. Helps are appreciated.
The syntax checker tends to spit out weird errors that might be unrelated to your issue. Sometimes it'll spit out a slew of random errors across the board, but the real issue may simply be one missing character or a missing "endfunction" (anything along those lines).

The first step to see whether it is an issue with your code or an issue with jasshelper is to open a new map, save it, and see if it spits an error. If it does, then you may have a localization issue (e.g. people have had issues in the past where decimal points were replaced by commas, causing syntax errors even on empty maps).

If it is just your map, then it is most likely a syntax error. Post the map or the triggers and we'll help out.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2008
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
            call GT_AddStartsEffectAction(function thistype.Action,RAWCODE)
            call GT_AddBeginsCastingAction(function thistype.Action2,RAWCODE)
            set thistype.cf = Condition(function thistype.DoDamage)

it says onInit is redeclared...if I comment-out entire block, this time syntax error shows up on:

static if DEBUG_MODE then

like I said, there are no any changes...it used to compile this map.
Level 8
Jun 13, 2008
fixed it by downloading JNGP 2.0 it works stable, now compiles and all....still don't know what was the problem with standard version.
quick question tough is there a difference between Vexorian's and Cohadar's compiler?
fixed it by downloading JNGP 2.0 it works stable, now compiles and all....still don't know what was the problem with standard version.
quick question tough is there a difference between Vexorian's and Cohadar's compiler?

Cohadar's compiler saves faster and has a proper initialization order, and it adds a "for" loop construct or "while" loop construct. I don't remember the syntax--if you are used to the standard JASS loop, you probably won't need it. The issue with Cohadar's is that the bugs are less known, and I think they are pretty hard to workaround.

I still use Vexorian's jasshelper for most of my stuff.
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