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Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms 0.4.9

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
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Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms

A map by Cokemonkey11

* Introduction
* Screenshots
* Heroes
* Version Control
* Changelog
* Credits
* Contributing


Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms is a MOBA designed from the ground up to reward the most
skilled team, and to be played in 20-30 minutes -- even in a fair matchup.

Join the battle-net community of playtesters!


















Space Cadet, Ranged carry, can cast divine shield. Abilities mostly augment basic attack.
Night Howler, Ranged carry, can instagib low-health targets.
Headbanger, Ranged carry, can throw long-ranged spears.
Goblin Bloodbomber, Ranged carry, can juggle blood bombs to sustain health.
Steel Elemental, Bursty tank, can dash and multi-stomp.
Tauren Gladiator, Bruiser tank, can leap and stun starting at level 1.
Mongo, Supportive tank, can hook enemies.
Sorcerer, Scaling caster, can multi-cast with abilities that deal scaling damage.
Molotov Cockatiel, Agile caster, can dash and retreat with some setup.
Void Annihilator, Supportive caster, can teleport and lock down enemies with a skillshot.
Centaur Worldbender, Disurptive caster, can zone, silence, and levitate enemies.

Version Control

All iterations of this map are maintained in a public git repository at


0.4.9 7 August 2024:
  • Fixed a bug where Rhythm of the Blood Sigil would continue dealing damage after the
    caster was dead
  • Fixed a bug where Bloodbomb catch circle was not visible when not in water
  • Fixed a bug where Clap could cause permanent incorrectness in a unit's movement-speed
  • Reduced the sight radius of Collector
  • Reduced the duration of Rhythm of the Blood Sigil from (4,5,6) to (4)
  • Improved the visual feedback of Collector
  • Reduced the initial and maximum mana of collector (10, 200) -> (5, 100)
  • Increased the mana-per-kill and mana-per-catch for collector (1, 1) -> (2, 2)
  • Presense of Mind now starts its cooldown after dashing, rather than depending on the
    time elapsed since its setup
  • Fixed a visual bug where some dummy effects would have inaccurate/odd hero glow

0.4.8 6 August 2024:
  • Increased Decimator health-based damage bonus from 2% to 3%
  • Increased the max range of Finales Funkeln from 1300 to 1500
  • Reduced Raid Boss hp bonus from 2500 to 2400
  • Increased Blood Bomb damage bonus (25,50,75 -> 50,75,100), timeout (6 -> 7), damage
    radius (150 -> 175), and catch radius (100 -> 125)
  • Fixed a rare bug where dying would grant two kills/two sets of assists/two deaths/etc

0.4.7 6 August 2024:
  • Increased revive timer from (2 + heroLevel) to (1 + 1.5 * heroLevel)
  • Fixed a bug where exasperation's spell shield would proc but not go on cooldown

0.4.6 5 August 2024:
  • Fixed a bug where telekensis would break the world
  • Re-worked stuns to be multi-instanceable/accurately stackable
  • Re-worked movement speed modifiers to be multi-instanceable/accurately stackable
  • Space Cadet Charged Blast is now easier to dodge with flash
  • Fixed a bug where players could sometimes pick up items owned by other players
  • Slightly increased the cooldown of Space Cadet's Charged Blast from (8, 7, 6) to (10,
    8, 6)

0.4.5 1 August 2024:
  • Reworked Telekenesis to be a skillshot with simpler mechanics

0.4.4 29 July 2024:
  • Fixed a bug where assists would be awarded for not assisting and not awarded for
  • Fixed two more instances of unintentionally global sound effects

0.4.3 24 May 2024:
  • Fixed a bug where casting Dunk on self would result in being permanently stuck
  • Improved the predictability of bloobomb catching
  • Water Shield can now be cast on invulnerable allies
  • Fixed two more instances of an unintentionally globally-played sound effects
  • Improved the visual clarity of Collector mana collection
  • Improved the visual clarity of Rhythm of the Blood Sigil
  • Addressed a nitpick - after selecting your hero, the spawned hero becomes selected

0.4.2 23 May 2024:
  • Improved the predictability of bloobomb catching
  • Binded bloodbombers can no longer dash using rhythm of the blood sigil
  • Fixed bugs where Rhythm of the Blood Sigil and Flash didn't respect Telekenesis
  • Fixed a bug where some order IDs would unpredictably have a collision depending on the
    map version
  • Fixed another instance of an unintentionally "global" sound effect
  • Improved the visual clarity of Collector mana collection
  • Improved the visual clarity of Telekenesis floating rocks

0.4.1 14 May 2024:
  • Map released on hiveworkshop!
  • Minor balancing changes

0.4.0 14 May 2024:
  • New hero, Goblin Bloodbomber
  • Minor tweaks to the Centaur Worldbender
  • Increased the camera shake of Tauren Gladiator Dunk
  • Fixed some unintentionally global sound effects
  • Improved the description of Tauren Gladiator's ult, Brain Drill
  • Fixed a bug that enabled Ice Blast to hit towers and other structures

0.3.0 8 May 2024:
  • New hero added - Centaur Worldbender
  • Improved the hero selection experience
  • Melee heroes are no longer selectable

0.2.0 7 May 2024:
  • Assists and assist gold added
  • Added quests menu with game design information and tips
  • Fixed an issue where flash wouldn't disjoint space cadet stun
  • Fixed a stacktrace when using black binding
  • Adjusted void annihilator ult cooldown and adjusted tauren gladiator seppuku scaling
  • Adjusted black binding collision size
  • Wallbang can no longer target allied units
  • Changed some assets for clarity
  • Revive now respawns with 100% mana
  • Stats are now dumped to disk at the end of a game; it is possible to generate graphs
    of game stats

0.1.2 1 May 2024:
  • Minor balancing changes

0.1.0 30 Apr 2024:
  • Added a new hero -- Headbanger, carry
  • Fixed a number of known bug cases where sounds were played "globally" when they should
    be attached to a unit or point

0.0.11 23 Apr 2024:
  • Replaced blood mage with arch mage to prevent abuse with phoenix
  • Replaced lich with sea witch to avoid the same issue with hover units that cockatiel
  • Heroes are now invulnerable for a few seconds when respawning
  • Added warning messages when a non-shade tries to pick a hero

0.0.10 23 Apr 2024:
  • Fixed a critical bug where knockback on a cockataiel would send you to the edge of the
  • Reduced night howler attack range and attack buff duration
  • Swapped alchemist for pit lord
  • Made flash and recall "permanent" abilities to morphing heroes (avatar, etc)
  • Immolation can now be cast against invulnerable allied heroes

0.0.8 23 Apr 2024:
  • Add new heroes - Molotov Cockatiel and Tauren Gladiator
  • New abilities for all existing heroes, completing their 4-ability rosters.
  • Exp sharing is now calculated when multiple allied heroes observe exp
  • Sharing items is no longer allowed
  • Leavers heroes are now removed from play rather than at the base
  • Added kill notifications when heroes are slain
  • Kills are now awarded to the last damaging hero rather than the kingdom, in the case
    that the kingdom takes the last-hit
  • Game timer added
  • Revive timers added
  • Balance changes (Raid Boss now grants +2500 HP, down from 5000; In-base healing
    increased to 4%, up from 2%; Castle HP doubled)
  • Bug fixes (Space Cadet's charged blast can no longer stun invulnerable units, Flash
    now disjoints Space Cadet's charged blast)

0.0.4 17 Apr 2024:
  • Add purchaseable base items
  • Add Void Annihilator ability - "Regenerator"
  • Add Steel Elemental ability - "Clap"
  • Add Night Howler ability - "Finger"
  • Add Mongo ability - "Amnesia"
  • Add Sorcerer ability - "Ice Blast"
  • Fix Exasperation item
  • Add Space Cadet ability - "Charged Blast"
  • Add Space Cadet ability - "Volley"
  • All heroes can now Flash
  • Tranche of balance changes and nits

0.0.3 Unknown:
  • Add Void Annihilator, Steel Elemental, Night Howler, Mongo, Sorcerer, and Space Cadet
  • Add expensive items

0.0.0 11 Mar 2024:
  • Initial playtest using melee heroes.


peq, Frotty, Matro, lep, Petr, Overkane, DiscoOrc, Jaccouille, Footman16, Krakena,
I1337h4x0RI, WaterKnight, looking_for_help, Blizzard Entertainment, hiveworkshop.com,
Dionesiist, SGT Phill, Black_Stan, The D3ath, Deolrin, Norinrad, CRAZYRUSSIAN, Marcos DAB,
KelThuzad, Remixer


This map is fully open source, but I am not currently accepting pull requests.


Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms 0.4.9 (Map)

Review - Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms (Version May 23rd 2024) Description: Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms is an AoS battle arena for up to eight players who can fight the opposing team on three lanes. Unique and custom heroes give a fresh take on the...
Level 7
Jun 15, 2013
Hello there, not a fond of MOBA overall, tho I feel like there should be some more efforts on the aethetics and tool tips
As an example, item tells "Provides mana", it doesn't tell the amount

Secondly I feel like putting all items on 100gold is a bit weird considering none have the same effect
For example if you look at wc3 melee maps, For the same price you'll get perma/consumable items with more hp than mana
And considering Int also gives mana, it should cost higher than agi/str items, just my opinion tho


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Review - Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms
(Version May 23rd 2024)
Description: Canals of Chlorine Kingdoms is an AoS battle arena for up to eight players who can fight the opposing team on three lanes. Unique and custom heroes give a fresh take on the genre, though for now (version 0.4.2) the potential of the map has not thoroughly been explored yet. Chlorine can be of interest to other AoS enthusiasts who want to have a fresh breeze on the online battles.
Visual Aspects: The visual and thematic aspects are certainly the current weak point of the map as the terrain and eye-candy elements of the map are quite lacking. It gives the impression of an unfinished product that is still in development (which the version numbers also suggest). Some spells have a nice 'oomph' to them, but some spells or abilities are sort of missing the same aspect. Carrying visual and audio feedback to the players helps them understand spells and the strengths of their parts better. Take for example the Sorcerer's Ice Blast that increases in mana cost for recurring casts - perhaps you could modify the spell icon or effects to indicate the effect, just to carry out additional information to the users. Similar logic and additional feedback are useful to have. I imagine the environment (cliffs and shallow water) are work-in-progress placeholders and you're first focusing on the technical side of things.
Gameplay: Gameplay is naturally focused on the hero gameplay. The abilities seem unique and well-designed in terms of individual aspects. Good job. There are however some bugs or not so user-friendly aspects of some spells that I caught in my brief checking. The Tauren Gladiator's leap slam ability for example locks him in place if he casts in under himself (with the entire command card menu locked out). Overall, apart from the heroes, the gameplay looks quite stale and unpolished. Minor things add up quickly and can make the gameplay or testing frustrating when things re-occuringly feel and seem unfinished. When picking a hero, the hero should be automatically selected for the player. Similarly, the descriptions of the heroes seem quite unfinished, with only brief descriptions of them. That being said, I consider this map to be in development, so I will not be going through all the flaws that you are most certainly also aware of yourself.
Overall the map gives a rather unpolished feel as the terrain work is undone. Similarly, some simple actions/aspects (picking a hero and their descriptions) are not the most intuitive. I would recommend placing some text indication of these factors also ingame for potential testers, so they are not frightened by the unfinishedness of the map - for example, "Follow the map development on Hive Workshop...", to indicate that it is still in development and not finished.
For now, I would recommend keeping the map in
Pending, where people browsing for newer maps can find it easier, rather than giving it a rating of Simple / Useful. Once you think that the development has reached a sufficient state of completion (version 1.0.0) you could request a review. Of course, it can also be useful to have thread in Map Development of Hive Forums for this where you could request more detailed feedback on specific areas / aspects of the map.
It could also be useful to imply the development of the map in the map description here on Hive, which might invite / lure in some enthusiasts of the genre to chip in their thoughts and feedback on the map.