Can you give me theese triggers?

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Level 5
Mar 17, 2005
I want to make a trigger that gives you a multiboard that says "lives" with a number such as 3. Then when your single unit dies and the rest of your allies unit dies it revives them all at your last "checkpoint" but removing 1 life from the board. When the life reaches to 0 you will be defeat. PLEASE help me out with this. This trigger is way to advanced for me and i have no idea how to do it. It is found in most good maze maps.

-Thanks in advanced.
Level 7
Aug 5, 2005
Make an integer variable, set it to 3, and name it Lives. With the respawn trigger, say "Set Lives = (Lives - 1)." Make a leaderboard (it's much simpler than multiboard) and add Nuetral hostile (or anything, really) with value Lives on it. In the respawn trigger, update the leaderboard to Lives after you reduce Lives by 1. Add to the respawn trigger an If/Then/Else that says "If lives = 0 Then pick every player in (all players) and Defeat (picked player) Else do nothing."
Level 5
Mar 17, 2005
Los_Tacos said:
Make an integer variable, set it to 3, and name it Lives. With the respawn trigger, say "Set Lives = (Lives - 1)." Make a leaderboard (it's much simpler than multiboard) and add Nuetral hostile (or anything, really) with value Lives on it. In the respawn trigger, update the leaderboard to Lives after you reduce Lives by 1. Add to the respawn trigger an If/Then/Else that says "If lives = 0 Then pick every player in (all players) and Defeat (picked player) Else do nothing."

How does it know to reduce the life by -1 and respawn your units? When you say "respawn trigger" do you mean the trigger that respawns you after each "check point"?
Level 7
Aug 5, 2005
No, the one that respawns at the last reached checkpoint when everyone dies. Do you even have a trigger that does that? If not, make one.

A unit dies
Unit type of dying unit = mazer
Number of units in playable map area matching (unit type of matching unit = mazer) and (matching unit is alive = true) = 0
Wait 2.00 seconds
If level = 1
Then pick every unit in (units of type mazer) and do resurrect picked unit at (level 1 region)
Else do nothing
If level = 2
Then pick every unit in (units of type mazer) and do resurrect picked unit at (level 2 region)
Else do nothing
If level = 3
Then pick every unit in (units of type mazer) and do resurrect picked unit at (level 3 region)
Else do nothing
And so on...
That means you'll have to make an integer variable named Level.  Whenever someone reaches a new checkpoint, add an action that says "Set Level = (Level + 1)."
Level 5
Mar 17, 2005
Thanks Dude. This helps a lot but i don't understand this "Number of units in playable map area matching(unit type of matching unit = mazer) and (matching unit is alive = true) = 0 ". I love your map Maze Builder. There is a bug though when someone leaves the peasent that goes on circle of power to play other peoples maze sometimes blocks the circle of power and doesnt go away when the person leaves the game.
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