When A Hero enters CAM LOCK(REGION A),
Condition, heroes only
Add Camera Lock
Add Camera Rotation where the hero faces without changing cam height, cam AoA, or any, just add rotation.
When the hero dies, the cam does not move, or still lock to the place where the hero died,
(Don't worry in this part I can do this)
Respawn hero on the CAM LOCK(REGION A)
(Until here)
Then it will again the trigger. which locks, add rotate.
Condition, heroes only
Add Camera Lock
Add Camera Rotation where the hero faces without changing cam height, cam AoA, or any, just add rotation.
When the hero dies, the cam does not move, or still lock to the place where the hero died,
(Don't worry in this part I can do this)
Respawn hero on the CAM LOCK(REGION A)
(Until here)
Then it will again the trigger. which locks, add rotate.