[General] Calculate Shadow & Save Map

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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Well I wanted to try what it does, and so I did without rather asking here.
After I finished I noticed lots of shadows appearing all over the map. There I thought "should have expected as much" until I entered the game and saw that the shadows are in game to!

Does anyone know how to reverse the Calculate Shadows?
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
Calculate shadow work as the 'sun coordinator' or in other word, it's the one that make shadow
If you want to remove those shadow, you might want to destroy all doodad that you've been placed, try this:
Place 1 ashenvale stalagmite at the middle of new map, and calculate the shadow, and you'll see the shadow of the stalagmite after the shadow calcuLation done
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
@kobas: he want to remove those shadow, and make his map like it was before he calculate the shadow
@ironside: well, if you want to remove those shadow, then you must delete all the doodad and blizzard cliff, then calculate shadow again (in order to remove the shadow), after that place all doodad, and terrain
be sure to use 2 different map
currently "Problematic" map - Iron Hill
make a backup:
Iron HillBC
then edit the doodad, and the terrain inside the "Iron HillBC"
after that just open your "Iron Hill" map, and go to doodad pallete
press CTRL + A, and CTRL + C
then go back to your map, and press CTRL+ V
your map must be mass lagged, but don't worry, as long as you place your cursor at the middle of your map, it wouldn't be so hard to place the doodad
also i'd prefer to copy and paste the terrain first, then the doodad
Level 26
Aug 18, 2009
You may open the map archive with a mpq editor and remove the .shd file. Or you extract MiscData.txt from UI\ from War3Patch.mpq, set the entry

// Vector from light to world

to 0., 0., 0. instead and put this file into Warcraft III\UI\. You need to restart the editor afterwards and can recalculate the shadows with this new null vector then.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
It seems deleting the file is safe. If the file does not match the expected specifications it will also throw you an "Invalid shadow map file" error and not crash.

The reason for my misinformation must have been down to other errors occuring along with an "Invalid shadow map file" error crashing the editor when I was messing around with the .w3e file.
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