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[Tower Defense] Burbenog TD - Idea for 24 Players

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Level 6
Aug 28, 2015
I personally like td that scale with the amount of players.
Buy the question would be for me why should I play with 23 other when I get same or better experience with playing in a smaller group and the chances are much higher to have a full game with less player this counts especially when the map doesn't scale but required a full house to be beaten.
Ideas for more players could be they have different things to do one part builds towers other group of players have to conect them to some sort of energy supply and a third party decide from where are the waves spawn or something like this...
Level 10
Oct 5, 2008
I would add on apsylls argument, even more so since i am very familliar with the map in question.

Burbenog TD's main principle was one of a very easy, but specialized, techtree amd concept which gets enhanced by players being able to play into the strenghts of their techtrees. That is why you most of the time see player go for only one or two optional elements and then begin to sell to each other towers (even more so why it is, e.g. for the magic race impossible to win the game alone, although its towers habe a very high utility). This adds a layer of complexity into the game, which fits the principle of "easy to learn, hard to master". Going up to 24 player would invalidate the choice of which race to go bevause in the end you come up with such an amount of combinations that your choice gets invalidated.

So while the idea sounds nice on paper to go up to 24 players in a map like that, i would highly advice against that, bevause it would undermine one of the maps main concepts.

Instead i would ask yourself: how can i make a 24player map interesting for all players almost no td gets to fulfill that even with 8 ppl (most mauls have the " last player" problem, which makes it boring forvthe player without stuff to do, other tds are too snowbally which makes carrying players a problem). You would exactly have to thing how you make the gameplay of every player in every role in a td as enjoyable or challemging as possible and which cencepts help you with that.
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