Hey, I wanted to make a worker build something above the trees (I already changed building's collision and path to none, and a trigger that after finishing construction it deletes itself and places a unit that has the same model as building and is placed above the trees) but the problem is - a worker can't go through trees so can't start a construction!! Because of that I thought that maybe I can make a trigger that as soon as I place the destination of the building, the worker will stop, dummy will be created and the dummy will begin the construction... but I can't find right Event (with this event the worker has to get to the place of construction)
Dummy build
Unit - A unit begins Building
(Unit-type of (Constructing structure)) Equal to Skyreaper
Set Tempunit = (Triggering unit)
Set Temppoint = (Position of (Constructing structure))
Set Tempplayer = (Triggering player)
Unit - Order Tempunit to Stop
Unit - Create 1 Dummy for Tempplayer at Temppoint facing default building facing degrees
Set Dummy = (Last created unit)
Unit - Order Dummy to build a Skyreaper at Temppoint
Unit - Add a 0.20 second generic expiration timer to Dummy
Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Temppoint)