I can't do this, I need step by step for this two variables, if someone know and want spend his own time to me, I will be really thank you.
OK, I actually know how to do this, I just was to fast and don't read all this carefully. I have only two more problems. "set tempUnit = (Last created unit)" - I can't find last created unit opinion; and "Unit - Remove tempUnit from the game" - I can't find opinion "tempUnit" (variable what I made). Thank you you helped me a lot.
Why you simply don't said me step by step how to make it? I copy/paste triggers and don't working, there is some error, "nothing returning back..." and something like this, I don't understand, is this my WE old version or what?
Same two problems like I said before, there is no "last created unit", there is no even list with opinions, just few of them and there is no "tempUnit" as a opinion is second trigger, WE don't have it, so can't working with it, copy/paste don't helping, when I open your test map, it's work, and I copy/paste it and my map can't load this. WTF is going on, my WE sucks.
Hahahaha, thank you, but I already know this, I do this and as I said I copy/paste your triggers but don't work.