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Hero revival

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Level 4
Jan 14, 2006
i need help with creating a revival trigger for two teams, and seperated revival locations like in the most Multiplayer team1 vs team2 games.

I want a revival system that includes:

-Name of reviving unit (hero)
-2 seperated reviving locations

Thank you soo mutch :!:
Level 4
Jul 3, 2006
Player 1
        Unit - A unit owned by Player 1 (Red) Dies
        ((Dying unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
        Set ReviveSeconds = ((Real((Level of (Dying unit)))) + 10.00)
        Countdown Timer - Create a timer window for ReviveTimer with title ((Name of Player 1 (Red)) +  Revive time:)
        Set ReviveTimerWindow = (Last created timer window)
        Countdown Timer - Start ReviveTimer as a One-shot timer that will expire in ReviveSeconds seconds
        Countdown Timer - Show ReviveTimerWindow
        Wait ReviveSeconds seconds
        Countdown Timer - Destroy ReviveTimerWindow
        Hero - Instantly revive (Dying unit) at (Center of RevivePlace <gen>), Show revival graphics
        Camera - Pan camera for Player 1 (Red) to (Center of RevivePlace <gen>) over 0.00 seconds

ReviveSeconds = Real Variable (init = 0)
ReviveTimer = Timer (init = new timer def)
ReviveTimerWindow = Timer Window

Reviveplace = region = choose the place of reviving.

Change Wait ReviveSeconds to whatever u prefer.

Copy this for every player and create new variables or use arrays[0].

There are still easyer ways I guess but I'll just post this one. :roll:
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