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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This icon is for Starfall... i remade it with fire to make it more realistic

Version 0.2 ===> added Stars in BG

Starfall, Star fall, Purple, Meteor, Fire, Green, Red, Explosion, Spell, Night Elf.

BTNStarfall (Icon)

02:21, 16th Oct 2009 enjoy: There is too many stars in the background. Remove some of them. I think it needs more highlights, and you have to rework the meteor or falling star in the middle. The fire needs to surrond the whole object, and not just...




02:21, 16th Oct 2009
enjoy: There is too many stars in the background. Remove some of them. I think it needs more highlights, and you have to rework the meteor or falling star in the middle. The fire needs to surrond the whole object, and not just the sides. The purple 'tail' on it, should begin to meet, and not just continue parallel. Also add more red and yellow to the fire, and maybe some white in the top of the fire, to make it seem really hot.

The Panda

Icon Reviewer
Level 59
Jun 2, 2008
Hmm. seems alright. But heres what i would do, the fire doesn't really go with the whole theme your going with "Starfall" as it states that its gonna be in space. So, i would make some stars in the background for space and also add a spinning effect around the purple orb. Also, change the direction of the purple object and make it facing from the top right corner towards the bottom left for a more cooler detail/effect.