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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This was made for an ability like berserk, or something demonic, I know it sucks, But I dont have to much EXP in making icons, I hope you like, Please give credit if you use this in your maps, Thanks.

Made with GIMP, Warcraft 3 Viewer V2.3c, And W3IR, Using the sleep icon from Warcraft 3's dreadlord.

Rage, Demonic, Bon Jovi

BTNRage (Icon)

14:28, 21st Oct 2008 Traxamillion: this is just a recolor, please do not post recolors, if your practicing do not post practice icons. REJECTED




14:28, 21st Oct 2008
Traxamillion: this is just a recolor, please do not post recolors, if your practicing do not post practice icons. REJECTED
Level 4
Oct 9, 2008
I never said I wanted 100% I knew it was going to be a failure, I'm a failure at making icons, I just figure if I keep making them i'll get better... Its better than my last icon.

Edit: These looked like credits to me "Made with GIMP, Warcraft 3 Viewer V2.3c, And W3IR, Using the sleep icon from Warcraft 3's dreadlord."... lol
Bon Jov said:
I never said I wanted 100% I knew it was going to be a failure, I'm a failure at making icons, I just figure if I keep making them i'll get better... Its better than my last icon.
Yeah good to try anyway :)
Bon Jov said:
Edit: These looked like credits to me "Made with GIMP, Warcraft 3 Viewer V2.3c, And W3IR, Using the sleep icon from Warcraft 3's dreadlord."... lol
Well I missed the Blizzard point, but every other seems fine to me.