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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.


Created by x-omg-x

My newest creation. Its basically a lightning coming down from the sky and hits the water.
It seems unfinished to me, but i really dont know what to put in. If you have any ideas, then please post them here. Any feedback/advices is more than welcome.

Enjoy, give credits if used and do not distribute my work!

light, lightning, thunder, sky, water, weather, icon, wc3, x-omg-x

BTNLightning (Icon)

22:00, 26th Dec 2009 enjoy: Way too cartoonish and most of the icon is black. You should change that. Try look at some tutorials, maybe on www.deviantart.com, about how to draw lightning.




22:00, 26th Dec 2009
enjoy: Way too cartoonish and most of the icon is black. You should change that. Try look at some tutorials, maybe on www.deviantart.com, about how to draw lightning.
Level 16
May 1, 2008
Seas =)

* I agree with hell gate. If you look outside and see lightnings, you will know the difference between your icon and the true lightnings =)
* The lightning needs a better color - something white
* Need a better ground - you can use your water ground, but you need a better view of lightnings in the water.
* If you use the water, you should add maybe a second lightning in the background and don't leave the background black, maybe add a light gray or something like that.

Rating: No Rating
- Why: Because the icon looks like a first try of "How create an icon". I also don't rate it, because I want see some changes at the icon. Else if you leave this icon as it is, I also will rate it in some days!

Note: Everything I said is nothing against the icon, yourself or your work. It's only a personal comment, how I think about this icon.
Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
ok, to make things looks like light or anything that is making light, u need to use White, to make lightning, u need to do a rly white stripe with a colored glow, and then, u can use the smudge to do tendrils on the lightning. (i think its smudge but im not sure cuz my gimp isnt in english (but the icon of it is a little hand in gimp)).