19:26, 15th Feb 2009
Paladon: Absolutely awesome.
Paladon: Absolutely awesome.
(8 ratings)
Umm...There is..?Just use the correct DISBTN border. There should be a black part.
I was always told its -25 brightness and -20 contrast, which i did. And i did add black border. I will update it soon, hold on.Yep, DISBTN = darker, black bars, blurring with the icon. Just compare:
the icon is well done but it seems a bit useless to me
Kimbo changed from a werewulf to a dragon?
How did you do that?
How did you turn in a werewulf in the first place? D:
but that is quite awesome
50% opacity? didnt know that..dis borders are easy just make a 5px black line around the edges, gaussian blur it 10px, then make an all black layer with 50% opacity. VIOLA!
Well done , but who needs this icon? xD